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Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming

By : Wisnu Anggoro
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Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming

By: Wisnu Anggoro

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming Second Edition
About the Authors
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Solving the error

In Chapter 5, Delving into the Boost.Asio Library, we discussed handling exception and error. If we follow all the source code in this book, we may never get any error code to confuse us. However, if we try to modify the source code, even just a little, an error code may be thrown for which the program will not give us any description. Since the error code thrown by the Boost library is based on Windows system error code and is beyond the scope of this book, we can find the description on Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) website at Here, we can find all translations of error codes from error 0 to 15999. Using GDB and error code translation from MSDN would become a powerful tool for solving an error that occurs in our program.

Let's go back to Chapter 6, Creating a Client-server Application and run the serverasync program. When the program is run, it listens to the client in on port 4444...