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CMake Cookbook

By : Radovan Bast, Roberto Di Remigio
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CMake Cookbook

By: Radovan Bast, Roberto Di Remigio

Overview of this book

CMake is cross-platform, open-source software for managing the build process in a portable fashion. This book features a collection of recipes and building blocks with tips and techniques for working with CMake, CTest, CPack, and CDash. CMake Cookbook includes real-world examples in the form of recipes that cover different ways to structure, configure, build, and test small- to large-scale code projects. You will learn to use CMake's command-line tools and master modern CMake practices for configuring, building, and testing binaries and libraries. With this book, you will be able to work with external libraries and structure your own projects in a modular and reusable way. You will be well-equipped to generate native build scripts for Linux, MacOS, and Windows, simplify and refactor projects using CMake, and port projects to CMake.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)

Testing the recipes

The recipes are tested on state-of-the-art continuous integration (CI) services: Travis ( for GNU/Linux and macOS, Appveyor ( for Windows, and CircleCI ( for additional GNU/Linux testing with commercial compilers. The configuration files for the CI services can be found in the repository ( .travis.yml for Travis, .appveyor.yml for Appveyor, and .circleci/config.yml for CircleCI. Additional installation scripts for Travis and Appveyor can be found in the folder testing/dependencies.

We test the recipes with CMake 3.5.2 and CMake 3.12.1 on the Travis GNU/Linux infrastructure. CMake 3.12.1 is used on the Travis macOS infrastructure. On Appveyor, testing uses CMake 3.11.3. On Circle, CMake 3.12.1 is used.

The testing machinery is a set of Python scripts that are also contained in the testing folder. The script will run tests and report their statuses. Recipes can be tested in isolation, or in batches; accepts a regular expression as command-line input, for example:

$ pipenv run python testing/ 'chapter-0[1,7]/recipe-0[1,2,5]'

This command will run tests for Recipes 1, 2, and 5, in Chapters 1 and 7. A sample of the output looks as follows:

To get more verbose output, set VERBOSE_OUTPUT=ON:

$ env VERBOSE_OUTPUT=ON pipenv run python testing/ 'chapter-*/recipe-*'