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PostgreSQL 10 High Performance - Third Edition

By : Enrico Pirozzi
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PostgreSQL 10 High Performance - Third Edition

By: Enrico Pirozzi

Overview of this book

PostgreSQL database servers have a common set of problems that they encounter as their usage gets heavier and requirements get more demanding. Peek into the future of your PostgreSQL 10 database's problems today. Know the warning signs to look for and how to avoid the most common issues before they even happen. Surprisingly, most PostgreSQL database applications evolve in the same way—choose the right hardware, tune the operating system and server memory use, optimize queries against the database and CPUs with the right indexes, and monitor every layer, from hardware to queries, using tools from inside and outside PostgreSQL. Also, using monitoring insight, PostgreSQL database applications continuously rework the design and configuration. On reaching the limits of a single server, they break things up; connection pooling, caching, partitioning, replication, and parallel queries can all help handle increasing database workloads. By the end of this book, you will have all the knowledge you need to design, run, and manage your PostgreSQL solution while ensuring high performance and high availability
Table of Contents (18 chapters)

Filesystem crash recovery

Filesystem writes have two major components to them. At the bottom level, you are writing out blocks of data to the disk. In addition, there is some amount of filesystem metadata involved too. Examples of metadata include the directory tree, the list of blocks and attributes associated with each file, and the list of what blocks on disk are free.

Like many disk-oriented activities, filesystems have a very clear performance versus reliability trade-off they need to make. The usual reliability concern is what happens in the situation where you're writing changes to a file and the power goes out in the middle.

Consider the case where you're writing out a new block to a file, one that makes the file bigger (rather than overwriting an existing block). You might do that in the following order:

  1. Write data block
  2. Write file metadata referencing use...