Setting up the project
It is very tempting at the outset of an exciting new project to just jump in straight away and start the analysis work, or even just start building. It is very worthwhile, however, to spend some time setting up the project properly first, so that everyone involved in the project understands:
Exactly what we plan to do
Why we are doing it
How we plan to get there
Who will do what
When we are planning to do it
A cliché that is often bandied around on technology projects is the axiom "People, process, and technology". Typically, an IT project is good at addressing the process and technology bits, but all too often, the people element gets left behind as an afterthought for training and the nebulous area of "change management". The people element of the project needs to be considered at the very beginning, and concrete actions taken throughout to ensure everyone is buying into the project.
The very first thing that we can do to ensure we are taking our people with us, is set...