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ReSharper Essentials

By : Lukasz Gasior
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ReSharper Essentials

By: Lukasz Gasior

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (18 chapters)
ReSharper Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Running code analysis

The second tool, Inspectcode can be used to run the ReSharper code analysis.

To use Inspectcode, just run the following command:

InspectCode [options] [project file]

As with the [project file] parameter, specify the path to your solution file.

You can check the list of all the available options with the following command:

Inspectcode /help

Like with dupfinder, Inspectcode saves a report to the Temp folder by default, and you can change this location with the /output option.

The report is generated as an XML file and contains the following two parts:

  • A list of all types of issues found during analysis with their severity and the link to the Wikipedia page (if available) that contains more information on the issue

  • A list of all the issues grouped by projects with a specified file and the line in which the issue occurs

Inspectcode will use code analysis settings from a .DotSettings file, if it finds one in your project. With additional options, you can specify which project...