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The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Third Edition

By : Glen D. Singh
5 (2)
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The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Third Edition

5 (2)
By: Glen D. Singh

Overview of this book

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of Kali Linux – the central hub for advanced penetration testing. Honing your pentesting skills and exploiting vulnerabilities or conducting advanced penetration tests on wired and wireless enterprise networks, Kali Linux empowers cybersecurity professionals. In its latest third edition, this book goes further to guide you on how to setup your labs and explains breaches using enterprise networks. This book is designed for newcomers and those curious about penetration testing, this guide is your fast track to learning pentesting with Kali Linux 2024.x. Think of this book as your stepping stone into real-world situations that guides you through lab setups and core penetration testing concepts. As you progress in the book you’ll explore the toolkit of vulnerability assessment tools in Kali Linux, where gathering information takes the spotlight. You'll learn how to find target systems, uncover device security issues, exploit network weaknesses, control operations, and even test web applications. The journey ends with understanding complex web application testing techniques, along with industry best practices. As you finish this captivating exploration of the Kali Linux book, you'll be ready to tackle advanced enterprise network testing – with newfound skills and confidence.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)

Getting started with FoxyProxy and Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a very popular web application security vulnerability and exploitation tool that is commonly used among web application security professionals and penetration testers within the industry.

Burp Suite is a proxy-based tool that enables a penetration tester to intercept the communication messages between the attacker’s web browser and the targeted web application, allowing the penetration tester to modify the request messages from the client side. Put simply, the penetration tester will use Burp Suite as an intercepting proxy, which will capture any request messages originating from the web browser on their machine, allowing the penetration tester to modify the field in the request message and then forward it to the targeted web application server.

The following diagram shows a visual representation of Burp Suite as an intercepting proxy:

Figure 16.4: Burp Suite proxy placement

As shown in the preceding...