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Offline First Web Development

By : Daniel Sauble
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Offline First Web Development

By: Daniel Sauble

Overview of this book

When building mobile apps, it’s easy to forget about the moments when your users lack a good Internet connection. Put your phone in airplane mode, open a few popular apps, and you’ll quickly see how they handle being offline. From Twitter to Pinterest to Apple Maps, some apps might handle being offline better—but very few do it well. A poor offline experience will result in frustrated users who will abandon your app, or worse, turn to your competitor’s apps Expert or novice, this book will teach you everything you need to know about designing and building a rigorous offline app experience. By putting the offline experience first, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon, avoiding the unnecessary stress and frustration of trying to retrofit offline capabilities into your finished app. This basic principle, designing for the worst-case scenario, could save you countless hours of wasted effort.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Offline First Web Development
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Principles of a good offline design

Once you've compiled a few scenarios such as these, identify some common principles to build your app around. Here are the principles that Susan identified at the beginning of the chapter, with a more detailed explanation for each one.

Give me uninterrupted access to the content I care about.

When offline, you don't want to open your app and have no content to consume or interact with. You want to have lots of content available. As an extreme example, a web browser that allows you to surf the entire Internet, as it appeared when you were last online, would be a fantastic experience. This doesn't exist because the laws of physics prevent such an experience.

Naturally, you can't provide an infinite amount of content for people. Instead, provide as much content as possible without hurting the user experience in other ways (that is, don't steal all their bandwidth, don't fill up all the space on their device, don't let the performance suffer, and so on).

Content is mutable. Don't let my online/offline status change that.

One common practice is to make content read-only while offline. When online, you can edit, delete, or manipulate the content, but offline, the only thing that you can do is view it. People want to work with their data regardless, but you're telling them that they can't, usually for no good reason.

Instead, as much as possible, make online behavior match offline behavior. Once you've decided what people can do with their data, try to apply these decisions to all situations. You'll make their lives easier, and yours, as you only have to design and build a single interaction paradigm.

Error messages should not leave me guessing or unnecessarily worried.

A cryptic error message is a bad error message. Well-designed applications should be clear, using human language and a consistent vocabulary. Error messages should be no different. Unfortunately, error messages are often overlooked in the design process. When this happens, the application assumes two faces: a friendly face when everything is fine and a distressing face when things go wrong.

The effect can be jarring and incomprehensible to some people. When their world is falling apart, they need more reassurance and help from their tools, not less. Make sure that you think about the wording in the error messages and how errors present themselves visually.

Don't let me start something I can't finish.

While performing a task, the further I get, the more vested I become in the outcome. For example, let's say I start a task consisting of eight steps. On step seven, if you tell me that I can't finish because I'm offline, I'll be frustrated. If you tell me that I can't save my progress and will have to try again later, I'll be furious.

Don't do that. Be up front about what I can or cannot do. Don't let me proceed down a path with a known dead end.

An app should never contradict itself. If a conflict exists, be honest about it.

In Chapter 6, Be Eventually Consistent we'll discuss split-brain scenarios. A split-brain scenario occurs when two people change the same data at the same time, on different devices. When the devices try to reconcile their data automatically, they can't. It's up to people to decide what change to keep and what to throw away.

In a poorly designed application, several things can happen. The app can clobber one of the changes without asking, resulting in confusion. It can show both of the changes side by side without explanation, which is also confusing. It might also enter a cryptic failure state, which leaves people even more confused and powerless.

Always get input from people when a conflict cannot be automatically resolved. If you must show inconsistent data, always provide an explanation.

When the laws of physics prevail, choose breadth over depth when caching.

As mentioned in the first principle, infinite caching violates the laws of physics. There will often be more data than you can reasonably cache. You have to make a prioritization decision. What data is most valuable to people? Cache that data first.

In most applications, there are different types of data that can be cached. As older data is usually less valuable than newer data, the more you cache, the value of caching in a particular category goes down. At some point, continuing to cache a particular data type is less valuable than switching to a different data type.

First, cache a small set of data across all the types. Then, go progressively deeper across all the data types simultaneously, with the more valuable types prioritized. As a result, no empty screens will appear when people skim the app. The UI will feel data rich on the surface and deep in all the right parts, which is what they want.

Empty states should tell me what to do next in a delightful way.

If there is nothing in the cache, you will have to show an empty state. There is very little that people can do with these states, which is a bad experience.

However, these states can be more than blank screens. They can tell people what to do next. They can be delightful: providing a clever message, image, animation, or video that people wouldn't ordinarily see. They can contain sample data, which people can interact with to see how the screen would ordinarily work. They can even keep people entertained with a game, puzzle, or other distractions.

Empty states are very easy to ignore. When engineering resources are tight, they are among the first things to be cut. Figure out how often people will see these relative to the other screens and then apply resources appropriately. During offline usage, empty states are more likely to occur.

Don't make me remember what I was doing last. Remember for me.

Context is king. If I close my app, preserve my current state. When I reopen the app, I want to see what I was doing last or find it simple to get there. The more complicated the app, the more important this is.

Many apps forget the context when switching from online to offline. They give themselves permission to reset certain parts of the UI, which is jarring and easily avoidable. As with most of these other principles, don't compromise on the attributes of a good experience just because an app happens to be offline.

Degrade gracefully as the network degrades. Don't be jarring.

Networks are not binary. There is a lot of gray area between not working at all and working very well. One of the goals of an invisible design is to avoid speed bumps in the user experience. An interface may switch abruptly from an online mode to an offline one, or worse, toggle rapidly between the two states. If implemented poorly, this will interrupt the flow and make it more difficult for people to get their work done.

Help the application see or anticipate an impending loss of connectivity. When appropriate, it should scale back its bandwidth usage, avoid massive changes to the interface, and gently nudge people if they are encountering any problems. The goal is a smooth transition from online to offline that informs the user in an unobtrusive way.

Never purge the cache unless I demand it.

Cache is the most valuable aspect of an offline experience. If the cache goes away while offline, people won't have any content. This is a bad experience. Protect the cache at all costs. Don't clear it unless people ask for it explicitly (usually for security reasons).

The latter implies an affordance to clear the cache. Web browsers have one but a lot of apps don't. This is extremely important, particularly when login credentials are involved. People may want to purge their data for a good many reasons. They may even need to do it remotely from another device.