Graph stores
So far, we've talked about storing data in a columnar store and looked at HBase as an example of a columnar store. But there are use cases, which are increasing by the day, that require data to be connected in order to find relationships between them.
We will be discussing two types of stores that are most prevalent in the market these days:
- Property graph stores
- Semantic graph databases (RDF Stores or TripleStores)
One of the key characteristics of both these types of Graph Stores is that they are designed to store linked data.
But before we go deeper into the difference between different types of Graph Stores, let’s look at a Use Case for using a Graph Store.
We will take an example of Bank Fraud and look at how Graph Databases can help detect and prevent fraud in the bank. This example is taken and adopted from Neo4j Blogs.
Background of the use case
Millions of dollars are lost in banking and insurance institutions due to fraud. Traditional methods of fraud-detection are no longer...