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Mobile DevOps

By : Rohin Tak, Jhalak Modi
Book Image

Mobile DevOps

By: Rohin Tak, Jhalak Modi

Overview of this book

Today's world is all about perfection, and there are hundreds of applications that are released each day out of which only a few succeed. Making sure that the app looks, performs, and behaves as expected is one of the biggest challenge developers face today. The main goal of this book is to teach developers to implement DevOps to build, test, and deliver. This book will teach you to implement Mobile DevOps at every stage of your application's lifecycle with Visual Studio and Xamarin Mobile Lifecycle solutions. Later, it will also show you how to leverage Mobile Center's continuous integration and automated testing to develop a high-quality applications. Next, you’ll see how to mobilize your on-premises data to the cloud and increase your productivity with code reuse. Finally, you’ll discover how to find and fix bugs beforehand, improving the efficiency of your application while it is being developed. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with Mobile DevOps techniques, delivering high quality and high performance mobile apps.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Creating an account with GitHub and using Git to create a repository

As we described earlier, repositories are a place to manage and share your project code. Git allows you to create public or private repositories. Public repositories are open for everybody, but you can include a license file that explains how you want the project to be shared with others.

Follow these steps to create a repository on GitHub:

  1. Open a web browser, go to, and sign up for a new account by providing a username for your account and your email and password. You can skip this step if you already have an account on GitHub:
  1. Once the signup is done, go to and sign in to your newly created account on GitHub:
  1. Once signed in, in the upper-right corner of the page, click + and then click New repository, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. On the next screen...