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IoT Edge Computing with MicroK8s

By : Karthikeyan Shanmugam
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IoT Edge Computing with MicroK8s

By: Karthikeyan Shanmugam

Overview of this book

Are you facing challenges with developing, deploying, monitoring, clustering, storing, securing, and managing Kubernetes in production environments as you're not familiar with infrastructure technologies? MicroK8s - a zero-ops, lightweight, and CNCF-compliant Kubernetes with a small footprint is the apt solution for you. This book gets you up and running with production-grade, highly available (HA) Kubernetes clusters on MicroK8s using best practices and examples based on IoT and edge computing. Beginning with an introduction to Kubernetes, MicroK8s, and IoT and edge computing architectures, this book shows you how to install, deploy sample apps, and enable add-ons (like DNS and dashboard) on the MicroK8s platform. You’ll work with multi-node Kubernetes clusters on Raspberry Pi and networking plugins (such as Calico and Cilium) and implement service mesh, load balancing with MetalLB and Ingress, and AI/ML workloads on MicroK8s. You’ll also understand how to secure containers, monitor infrastructure and apps with Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK stack, manage storage replication with OpenEBS, resist component failure using a HA cluster, and more, as well as take a sneak peek into future trends. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use MicroK8 to build and implement scenarios for IoT and edge computing workloads in a production environment.
Table of Contents (24 chapters)
Part 1: Foundations of Kubernetes and MicroK8s
Part 2: Kubernetes as the Preferred Platform for IOT and Edge Computing
Part 3: Running Applications on MicroK8s
Part 4: Deploying and Managing Applications on MicroK8s
Frequently Asked Questions About MicroK8s

Understanding jobs and CronJobs

In this section, we will learn how to use Kubernetes jobs to build temporary pods that do certain tasks. CronJobs are similar to jobs, but they run tasks according to a set schedule.


A job launches one or more pods and continues to try executing them until a specific number of them succeed. The job keeps track of how many pods have been completed successfully. The task (that is, the job) is completed when a certain number of successful completions is met.

When you delete a job, it also deletes all the pods it created. Suspending a job causes all the current pods to be deleted until the job is resumed. The following code shows a job config that runs every minute and prints example Job Pod is Running as its output:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: example-job
      - name: example-job
        image: busybox
        command: ['echo', 'echo example Job Pod is Running']
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      backoffLimit: 4

The most commonly used kubectl commands concerning jobs are as follows:

  • The create or apply command creates the pod:
    kubectl apply -f FILENAME.

For example, the kubectl apply -f ./jobs-deployment.yaml command will create new jobs from the jobs-deployment.yaml YAML file.

  • The describe jobs command indicates the details of the jobs:
    kubectl describe jobs <<job name>>


A CronJob is a job that is created regularly. It is equivalent to a single line in a crontab (cron table) file. It executes a job that is written in Cron format regularly.

CronJobs are used to automate common processes such as backups and report generation. You can decide when the work should begin within that period by setting each of those jobs to repeat indefinitely (for example, once a day, week, or month).

The following is an example of a CronJob that prints the example-cronjob Pod is Running output every minute:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: example-cronjob
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
          - name: example-cronjob
            image: busybox
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - date; echo example-cronjob Pod is Running ; sleep 5
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Here, schedule: /1 * indicates that the crontab syntax is used in Linux systems.

Jobs and CronJobs are critical components of Kubernetes, particularly for performing batch processes and other critical ad hoc tasks. We'll examine service abstraction in the next section.