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The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit

By : Viktor Farcic
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The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit

By: Viktor Farcic

Overview of this book

Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to continuously deploying applications with Jenkins into a Kubernetes cluster. The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuously Deploying Applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes Cluster is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book guides readers through the process of building, testing, and deploying applications through fully automated pipelines. Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including an exploration of continuous delivery and deployment in Kubernetes using Jenkins. It also shows readers how to perform continuous integration inside these clusters, and discusses the distribution of Kubernetes applications, as well as installing and setting up Jenkins. Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)
Now It Is Your Turn

Creating a cluster

We'll start the hands-on walk-through by cloning the vfarcic/k8s-specs repository that contains all the example definitions we'll use throughout the book.

A note to Windows users
Please run all the examples from GitBash (installed through Git). That way the commands you'll see throughout the book will be same as those executed on MacOS or any Linux distribution. If you're using Hyper-V instead of VirtualBox, you may need to run the GitBash window as an Administrator.
All the commands from this chapter are available in the ( Gist.
 1  git clone \
4 cd k8s-specs

Now that you have a repository with the examples we'll use throughout the book, we should create a cluster unless you already have one.

For this chapter, I'll assume that you are running a cluster with Kubernetes version 1.9 or higher. Further on, I'll assume that you already have an nginx Ingress Controller deployed, that RBAC is set up, and that your cluster has a default StorageClass. If you are unsure about some of the requirements, I prepared a few Gists with the commands I used to create different clusters. Feel free to choose whichever suits you the best, or be brave and roll with your own. Ideally, you'll run the commands from every chapter on each of the Kubernetes flavors. That way, you'll not only learn the main subject but also gain experience in running Kubernetes in different combinations and, hopefully, make a more informed decision which flavor to use for your local development as well as for production.

The Gists with the commands I used to create different variations of Kubernetes clusters are as follows.

The purpose of those Gists is to serve as guidance, not necessarily as a set of steps you should execute blindly. I assume that you already know how to create a cluster with the specified requirements.