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Practical Data Analysis Cookbook

By : Tomasz Drabas
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Practical Data Analysis Cookbook

By: Tomasz Drabas

Overview of this book

Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. Its importance has been most visible in the sector of information and communication technologies. It is an employee asset in almost all economy sectors. This book provides a rich set of independent recipes that dive into the world of data analytics and modeling using a variety of approaches, tools, and algorithms. You will learn the basics of data handling and modeling, and will build your skills gradually toward more advanced topics such as simulations, raw text processing, social interactions analysis, and more. First, you will learn some easy-to-follow practical techniques on how to read, write, clean, reformat, explore, and understand your data—arguably the most time-consuming (and the most important) tasks for any data scientist. In the second section, different independent recipes delve into intermediate topics such as classification, clustering, predicting, and more. With the help of these easy-to-follow recipes, you will also learn techniques that can easily be expanded to solve other real-life problems such as building recommendation engines or predictive models. In the third section, you will explore more advanced topics: from the field of graph theory through natural language processing, discrete choice modeling to simulations. You will also get to expand your knowledge on identifying fraud origin with the help of a graph, scrape Internet websites, and classify movies based on their reviews. By the end of this book, you will be able to efficiently use the vast array of tools that the Python environment has to offer.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Practical Data Analysis Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Producing histograms

Histograms can help you inspect the distribution of any variable quickly. Histograms bin the observations into groups and present the count of observations in each group on a bar chart. It is a powerful and easy way to examine issues with your data as well as inspect visually if the data follows some known distribution.

In this recipe, we will produce histograms of all the prices from our dataset.

Getting ready

To run this recipe, you will need pandas and SQLAlchemy to retrieve the data. Matplotlib and Seaborn handle the presentation layer. Matplotlib is a 2D library for scientific data presentation. Seaborn builds on Matplotlib and provides an easier way to produce statistical charts (such as histograms, among others).

How to do it…

We assume that the data can be accessed from the PostgreSQL database. Check the Storing and retrieving from a relational database recipe from Chapter 1, Preparing the Data. The following code will produce a histogram of the prices and save it...