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Applied Supervised Learning with R

By : Karthik Ramasubramanian, Jojo Moolayil
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Applied Supervised Learning with R

By: Karthik Ramasubramanian, Jojo Moolayil

Overview of this book

R provides excellent visualization features that are essential for exploring data before using it in automated learning. Applied Supervised Learning with R helps you cover the complete process of employing R to develop applications using supervised machine learning algorithms for your business needs. The book starts by helping you develop your analytical thinking to create a problem statement using business inputs and domain research. You will then learn different evaluation metrics that compare various algorithms, and later progress to using these metrics to select the best algorithm for your problem. After finalizing the algorithm you want to use, you will study the hyperparameter optimization technique to fine-tune your set of optimal parameters. The book demonstrates how you can add different regularization terms to avoid overfitting your model. By the end of this book, you will have gained the advanced skills you need for modeling a supervised machine learning algorithm that precisely fulfills your business needs.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)
Applied Supervised Learning with R

Chapter 5: Classification

Activity 8: Building a Logistic Regression Model with Additional Features

  1. Create a copy of the df_new data frame into df_copy for the activity:

    df_copy <- df_new
  2. Create new features for square root, square power, and cube power transformations for each of the three selected numeric features:

    df_copy$MaxTemp2 <- df_copy$MaxTemp ^2
    df_copy$MaxTemp3 <- df_copy$MaxTemp ^3
    df_copy$MaxTemp_root <- sqrt(df_copy$MaxTemp)
    df_copy$Rainfall2 <- df_copy$Rainfall ^2
    df_copy$Rainfall3 <- df_copy$Rainfall ^3
    df_copy$Rainfall_root <- sqrt(df_copy$Rainfall)
    df_copy$Humidity3pm2 <- df_copy$Humidity3pm ^2
    df_copy$Humidity3pm3 <- df_copy$Humidity3pm ^3
    df_copy$Humidity3pm_root <- sqrt(df_copy$Humidity3pm)
  3. Divide the df_copy dataset into train and test in 70:30 ratio:

    #Setting seed for reproducibility
    #Creating a list of indexes for the training dataset (70%)
    train_index <- sample(seq_len(nrow(df_copy)),floor(0.7 * nrow(df_copy)))
    #Split the data into test and train
    train_new <- df_copy[train_index,]
    test_new <- df_copy[-train_index,]
  4. Fit the logistic regression model with the new training data:

    model <- glm(RainTomorrow~., data=train_new ,family=binomial(link='logit'))
  5. Predict the responses using the fitted model on the train data and create a confusion matrix:

    print("Training data results -")
    pred_train <-factor(ifelse(predict(model,newdata=train_new,
    type = "response") > 0.5,"Yes","No"))
    #Create the Confusion Matrix
    train_metrics <- confusionMatrix(pred_train, train_new$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Training data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  58330  8650
           Yes  3161  8906
                   Accuracy : 0.8506          
                     95% CI : (0.8481, 0.8531)
        No Information Rate : 0.7779          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.5132          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.5073          
                Specificity : 0.9486          
             Pos Pred Value : 0.7380          
             Neg Pred Value : 0.8709          
                 Prevalence : 0.2221          
             Detection Rate : 0.1127          
       Detection Prevalence : 0.1527          
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.7279          
           'Positive' Class : Yes 
  6. Predict the responses using the fitted model on test data and create a confusion matrix:

    print("Test data results -")
    pred_test <-factor(ifelse(predict(model,newdata=test_new,
    type = "response") > 0.5,"Yes","No"))
    #Create the Confusion Matrix
    test_metrics <- confusionMatrix(pred_test, test_new$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Test data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  25057  3640
           Yes  1358  3823
                   Accuracy : 0.8525          
                     95% CI : (0.8486, 0.8562)
        No Information Rate : 0.7797          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.5176          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.5123          
                Specificity : 0.9486          
             Pos Pred Value : 0.7379          
             Neg Pred Value : 0.8732          
                 Prevalence : 0.2203          
             Detection Rate : 0.1128          
       Detection Prevalence : 0.1529          
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.7304          
           'Positive' Class : Yes             

Activity 9: Create a Decision Tree Model with Additional Control Parameters

  1. Load the rpart library.

  2. Create the control object for decision tree with new values minsplit =15 and cp = 0.00:

    control = rpart.control(
        minsplit = 15, 
        cp = 0.001)
  3. Fit the tree model with the train data and pass the control object to the rpart function:

    tree_model <- rpart(RainTomorrow~.,data=train, control = control)
  4. Plot the complexity parameter plot to see how the tree performs at different values of CP:


    The output is as follows:

    Figure 5.10: Decision tree output

  5. Use the fitted model to make predictions on train data and create the confusion matrix:

    print("Training data results -")
    pred_train <- predict(tree_model,newdata = train,type = "class")
    confusionMatrix(pred_train, train$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Training data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  58494  9032
           Yes  2997  8524
                   Accuracy : 0.8478          
                     95% CI : (0.8453, 0.8503)
        No Information Rate : 0.7779          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.4979          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.4855          
                Specificity : 0.9513          
             Pos Pred Value : 0.7399          
             Neg Pred Value : 0.8662          
                 Prevalence : 0.2221          
             Detection Rate : 0.1078          
       Detection Prevalence : 0.1457          
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.7184          
           'Positive' Class : Yes             
  6. Use the fitted model to make predictions on test data and create the confusion matrix:

    print("Test data results -")
    pred_test <- predict(tree_model,newdata = test,type = "class")
    confusionMatrix(pred_test, test$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Test data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  25068  3926
           Yes  1347  3537
                   Accuracy : 0.8444          
                     95% CI : (0.8404, 0.8482)
        No Information Rate : 0.7797          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.4828          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.4739          
                Specificity : 0.9490          
             Pos Pred Value : 0.7242          
             Neg Pred Value : 0.8646          
                 Prevalence : 0.2203          
             Detection Rate : 0.1044          
       Detection Prevalence : 0.1442          
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.7115          
           'Positive' Class : Yes 

Activity 10: Build a Random Forest Model with a Greater Number of Trees

  1. First, import the randomForest library using the following command:

  2. Build random forest model with all independent features available. Define the number of trees in the model to be 500.

    rf_model <- randomForest(RainTomorrow ~ . , data = train, ntree = 500, importance = TRUE, 
  3. Evaluate on training data:

    print("Training data results -")
    pred_train <- predict(rf_model,newdata = train,type = "class")
    confusionMatrix(pred_train, train$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Training data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  59638 10169
           Yes  1853  7387
                   Accuracy : 0.8479          
                     95% CI : (0.8454, 0.8504)
        No Information Rate : 0.7779          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.4702          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.42077         
                Specificity : 0.96987         
             Pos Pred Value : 0.79946         
             Neg Pred Value : 0.85433         
                 Prevalence : 0.22210         
             Detection Rate : 0.09345         
       Detection Prevalence : 0.11689         
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.69532         
           'Positive' Class : Yes 
  4. Evaluate on test data:

    print("Test data results -")
    pred_test <- predict(rf_model,newdata = test,type = "class")
    confusionMatrix(pred_test, test$RainTomorrow,positive="Yes")

    The output is as follows:

    "Test data results -"
    Confusion Matrix and Statistics
    Prediction    No   Yes
           No  25604  4398
           Yes   811  3065
                   Accuracy : 0.8462          
                     95% CI : (0.8424, 0.8501)
        No Information Rate : 0.7797          
        P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                      Kappa : 0.4592          
     Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
                Sensitivity : 0.41069         
                Specificity : 0.96930         
             Pos Pred Value : 0.79076         
             Neg Pred Value : 0.85341         
                 Prevalence : 0.22029         
             Detection Rate : 0.09047         
       Detection Prevalence : 0.11441         
          Balanced Accuracy : 0.69000         
           'Positive' Class : Yes