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Mastering Blockchain Programming with Solidity

By : Jitendra Chittoda
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Mastering Blockchain Programming with Solidity

By: Jitendra Chittoda

Overview of this book

Solidity is among the most popular and contract-oriented programming languages used for writing decentralized applications (DApps) on Ethereum blockchain. If you’re looking to perfect your skills in writing professional-grade smart contracts using Solidity, this book can help. You will get started with a detailed introduction to blockchain, smart contracts, and Ethereum, while also gaining useful insights into the Solidity programming language. A dedicated section will then take you through the different Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) standards, including ERC-20, ERC-223, and ERC-721, and demonstrate how you can choose among these standards while writing smart contracts. As you approach later chapters, you will cover the different smart contracts available for use in libraries such as OpenZeppelin. You’ll also learn to use different open source tools to test, review and improve the quality of your code and make it production-ready. Toward the end of this book, you’ll get to grips with techniques such as adding security to smart contracts, and gain insights into various security considerations. By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to write secure, production-ready smart contracts in Solidity from scratch for decentralized applications on Ethereum blockchain.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: Getting Started with Blockchain, Ethereum, and Solidity
Section 2: Deep Dive into Development Tools
Section 3: Mastering ERC Standards and Libraries
Section 4: Design Patterns and Best Practices

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Introduction to Blockchain, starts with how blockchain technology came into existence through the innovation of Bitcoin. This chapter discusses the different properties of a blockchain. It also introduces Ethereum and how it is different from the Bitcoin blockchain. Later, this chapter introduces smart contracts.

Chapter 2, Getting Started with Solidity, starts with the basic Solidity language syntaxes and the structure of a contract. You will learn about the different data types available in Solidity. This chapter also discusses globally available variables present in the Solidity language that you can use while writing your smart contract.

Chapter 3, Control Structures and Contracts, deep dives into the control structures of Solidity contracts, the different types of functions supported, contract inheritance, and event logging. 

Chapter 4, Learning MetaMask and Remix, discusses setting up your MetaMask plugin and creating wallets using it. This chapter also discusses using the online Remix IDE to create, compile, deploy, and interact with your Solidity contracts.

Chapter 5, Using Ganache and the Truffle Framework, discusses installing and setting up your local blockchain instance using Ganache. This chapter also discusses installing and setting up the Truffle framework, learning how to use its commands, setting up your new Truffle project, writing migration scripts for the Truffle framework, and adding test cases to a project.

Chapter 6, Taking Advantage of Code Quality Tools, discusses improving the quality of your contracts by using open source tools such as surya, which helps in generating different kinds of reports. This chapter also discusses using Solidity linters to lint your code and fix common issues present in your contracts, as well as running Solidity coverage tools to generate code coverage reports.

Chapter 7ERC20 Token Standard, covers the introduction of the ERC20 token standard. This chapter deep dives into its full implementation details, provides an in-depth study of each function of the standard, and covers different events, optional functions, and a number of advanced functions.

Chapter 8, ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, starts with an introduction to the ERC721 standard and the difference between the ERC20 and ERC721 standards. This chapter deep dives into each of the state variables, functions, and events associated with ERC721 implementation. This chapter also discusses some other optional contracts that can be used with the ERC721 standard.

Chapter 9, Deep Dive into the OpenZeppelin Library, starts with an introduction to OpenZeppelin library contracts. This chapter will help you learn how to install and use OpenZeppelin library contracts in your Truffle project. It also provides in-depth studies of library contracts such as Ownable, Claimable, Roles, PauserRole, Pausable, ERC20, SafeERC20, DetailedERC20, ERC20Mintable, ERC20Burnable, ERC20Pausable, Math, SafeMath, Crowdsale, Address, and ReentrancyGuard.

Chapter 10, Using Multisig Wallets, The multisig wallets are special contracts that require multiple signatures to execute a transaction. This chapter provides an introduction to multisig contracts and their usage. This chapter also covers installing, creating, and setting up your own multisig wallet, as well as how to use and control it.

Chapter 11, Upgradable Contracts Using ZeppelinOS, provides an introduction to the ZeppelinOS development platform. Topics covered include creating a new project using zos commands, creating an upgradable contract, deploying, re-deploying to upgrade the contract, and some precautions to take when using ZeppelinOS for writing upgradable contracts.

Chapter 12, Building Your Own Token, helps you learn how to create your own ERC20 token contract from scratch. You will learn how to draft the specification of a contract, set up a Truffle project, create a contract, choose which OpenZeppelin libraries to use, write migration scripts, write test cases, execute migration scripts and test cases in Ganache, and finally, test your contracts on a testnet such as Rinkeby.

Chapter 13, Solidity Design Patterns, introduces different Solidity design patterns. These are divided into five categories: Security patterns: Withdrawal, Access restriction, and Emergency stop; Creational patterns: Factory pattern; Behavioral patterns: State machine, Iterable map, Indexed map, Address list, and Subscription; Gas economic patters: String comparison and Tight variable packing; and Life cycle patterns: Mortal and Auto deprecate pattern.

Chapter 14, Tips, Tricks, and Security Best Practices, helps you to learn different Solidity smart contract best practices, such as avoiding floating pragma, the 15-second blocktime rule, rounding errors, and gas consumption. It also helps you to learn about different security attacks, such as front-running, reentrancy, signature replay, integer overflow and underflow, and how to prevent these attack patterns.