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Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook

By : Luke Drumm
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Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook

By: Luke Drumm

Overview of this book

Microsoft XNA attempts to free game developers from writing "repetitive boilerplate code", allowing them to focus on producing enjoyable gameplay rather than tedious and complicated setup. The Framework has reduced the once steep learning curve for game development, transforming it into something more attainable, and this cookbook will help you to take full advantage of XNA to bring reality into your virtual worlds. "Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook" is the perfect resource for propelling your game development capabilities from the simple 2D demo towards engaging and exciting, professional looking games. With a diverse selection of game-related topics covered, discover how to create rich 2D and 3D worlds filled with interesting characters, detailed scenery and dynamic special effects applicable to PC, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 game play. There is no shortage of introductory texts available for XNA, a number of which are fantastic for getting started with simple 2D games, but "Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook"ù will help you take the steps to start producing games that have deeper gameplay, compelling graphics and that little bit of extra polish! The book's recipes will get you up and going quickly with the next level of game features such as 3D graphics, AI, and network play. With this practical cookbook to hand, even the more experienced developer will be better equipped to achieve high level tasks with XNA in a quick and efficient manner.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Creating shadows within the HiDef profile

Creating realistic-looking shadows without sacrificing a huge amount of memory or processing power remains one of the great challenges in computer graphics. While I may not be able to offer a perfect solution for every shadow-related problem you have in your games, I can at least get you started in the world of shadow creation through the demonstration of one of the more well-known techniques, shadow mapping, seen in the following illustration.

Getting ready

For this recipe, it's best to start with a simple existing scene containing a floor and at least one mesh floating or standing above it, as shown in the previous illustration.

How to do it...

To create a disc programmatically:

  1. 1. Add a new effect file to your game content project named Shadows.fx.

  2. 2. Define the input parameters of the new shader:

    float4x4 World;
    float4x4 View;
    float4x4 Projection;
    float4x4 LightViewProj;
    float3 LightDirection;
    float4 AmbientColor = float4(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0);
    float DepthBias = 0.001f;
    texture Texture;
    sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state
    Texture = (Texture);
    texture ShadowMap;
    sampler ShadowMapSampler = sampler_state
    Texture = <ShadowMap>;
  3. 3. Define the structures used to pass data between the pixel and vertex shaders:

    struct DrawWithShadowMap_VSIn
    float4 Position : POSITION0;
    float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
    struct DrawWithShadowMap_VSOut
    float4 Position : POSITION0;
    float3 Normal : TEXCOORD0;
    float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD1;
    float4 WorldPos : TEXCOORD2;
    struct CreateShadowMap_VSOut
    float4 Position : POSITION;
    float Depth : TEXCOORD0;
  4. 4. Next, create a vertex shader for rendering a depth map:

    CreateShadowMap_VSOut CreateShadowMap_VertexShader(
    float4 Position: POSITION)
    CreateShadowMap_VSOut Out;
    Out.Position = mul(Position, mul(World, LightViewProj));
    Out.Depth = Out.Position.z / Out.Position.w;
    return Out;
  5. 5. Create the vertex shader's partner-in-crime, the pixel shader, to render a depth map:

    float4 CreateShadowMap_PixelShader(
    CreateShadowMap_VSOut input) : COLOR
    return float4(input.Depth, 0, 0, 0);
  6. 6. Next, make the vertex shader render the shadows:

    DrawWithShadowMap_VSOut DrawWithShadowMap_VertexShader(DrawWithShadowMap_VSIn input)
    float4x4 WorldViewProj = mul(mul(World, View), Projection);
    DrawWithShadowMap_VSOut Output;
    Output.Position = mul(input.Position, WorldViewProj);
    Output.Normal = normalize(mul(input.Normal, World));
    Output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
    Output.WorldPos = mul(input.Position, World);
    return Output;
  7. 7. Create the matching pixel shader, which will, for every pixel, compare the depth of the scene from the player's perspective to that of the previously captured shadow depth map:

    float4 DrawWithShadowMap_PixelShader(
    DrawWithShadowMap_VSOut input) : COLOR
    float4 diffuseColor = tex2D(
    TextureSampler, input.TexCoord);
    float diffuseIntensity = saturate(
    dot(LightDirection, input.Normal));
    float4 diffuse = diffuseIntensity *
    diffuseColor + AmbientColor;
    float4 lightingPosition = mul(
    input.WorldPos, LightViewProj);
    float2 ShadowTexCoord = 0.5 * lightingPosition.xy /
    lightingPosition.w +
    float2( 0.5, 0.5 );
    ShadowTexCoord.y = 1.0f - ShadowTexCoord.y;
    float shadowdepth = tex2D(ShadowMapSampler,
    float ourdepth = (lightingPosition.z / lightingPosition.w) - DepthBias;
    if (shadowdepth < ourdepth)
    diffuse *= float4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0);
    return diffuse;
  8. 8. Add some technique definitions to specify which shader to use in which circumstance:

    technique CreateShadowMap
    pass Pass1
    VertexShader = compile vs_2_0
    PixelShader = compile ps_2_0
    technique DrawWithShadowMap
    pass Pass1
    VertexShader = compile vs_2_0
    PixelShader = compile ps_2_0
  9. 9. In your game class, add some instance variables to hold details about the virtual camera:

    Matrix view;
    Matrix projection;
    Matrix world;
    BoundingFrustum cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity);
  10. 10. Then, add some details about the lighting:

    Vector3 lightDirection;
    Matrix lightViewProjection = Matrix.Identity;
  11. 11. Now, add some variables to hold the various effects that are going to be used to render the scene:

    BasicEffect basicEffect;
    Effect hiDefShadowEffect;
    RenderTarget2D shadowRenderTarget;
  12. 12. In the LoadContent() method, start by setting up the lighting and camera positions:

    lightDirection = Vector3.Normalize(
    (Vector3.Backward * 2) +
    (Vector3.Up * 2) +
    (Vector3.Left * 2));
    view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(
    (Vector3.Backward * 4) +
    (Vector3.Up * 3) +
    projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
    world = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.Zero);
    cameraFrustum.Matrix = view * projection;
  13. 13. Continue by creating a render target to hold the shadow map:

    var shadowMapWidthHeight = 2048;
    var pp = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;
    shadowRenderTarget = new
  14. 14. Then, set up the effects used to render the objects within the scene, and the shadows cast by them:

    basicEffect = new BasicEffect(GraphicsDevice)
    View = view,
    Projection = projection,
    World = world,
    hiDefShadowEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("Shadows");
  15. 15. Add a new method to calculate the position and size of the virtual camera used to record a depth map from the point of view of the light source:

    Matrix CreateLightViewProjectionMatrix()
  16. 16. Insert a matrix into the new method to rotate things towards the direction of the light:

    Matrix lightRotation = Matrix.CreateLookAt(
  17. 17. Calculate the corners of the visible area for the "light" camera:

    Vector3[] frustumCorners = cameraFrustum.GetCorners();
    for (int i = 0; i < frustumCorners.Length; i++)
    frustumCorners[i] = Vector3.Transform(frustumCorners[i], lightRotation);
  18. 18. Work out the smallest box that could fit the corners of the visible area:

    BoundingBox lightBox = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(frustumCorners);
    Vector3 boxSize = lightBox.Max - lightBox.Min;
    Vector3 halfBoxSize = boxSize * 0.5f;
  19. 19. From the previously calculated box dimensions, derive the position of the light camera:

    Vector3 lightPosition = lightBox.Min + halfBoxSize;
    lightPosition.Z = lightBox.Min.Z;
    lightPosition = Vector3.Transform(
    lightPosition, Matrix.Invert(lightRotation));
  20. 20. Calculate the associated view projection matrix:

    Matrix lightView = Matrix.CreateLookAt(
    lightPosition - lightDirection,
    Matrix lightProjection = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(
    boxSize.X, boxSize.Y,
    -boxSize.Z, boxSize.Z);
    return lightView * lightProjection;
  21. 21. Create a new method to set up the shadow effect:

    private void PopulateShadowEffect(bool createShadowMap)
    string techniqueName = createShadowMap ?
    "CreateShadowMap" : "DrawWithShadowMap";
    hiDefShadowEffect.CurrentTechnique = hiDefShadowEffect.Techniques[techniqueName];
    if (!createShadowMap)
  22. 22. In your game's Draw() method, start by setting the GraphicsDevice to render to the shadowRenderTarget:

  23. 23. Next, render any shadow casting objects using the hiDefShadowEffect:

  24. 24. Switch the rendering from the shadowRenderTarget, back to the screen:

    GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque;
    GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
  25. 25. Set the texture of the hiDefShadowEffect to the corresponding scene object, and render it in a similar fashion to this (where floorTexture has already been loaded with the texture for the floor):

  26. 26. For any scene objects you don't want shadows to be cast upon, use a shader such as the BasicEffect shader you created earlier which will do the job nicely:

    basicEffect.Texture = texture;
    basicEffect.TextureEnabled = true;

How it works...

Shadow mapping, for all the code and math involved, really comes down to the relatively simple idea of identifying all the spots in a scene where a player can see something but a light cannot, due to an obstruction blocking the light's view.

A depth map is generated from the light's view of the scene, and another from the player's perspective. The shader darkens any pixels that correspond to the player's view being "deeper" than the light's.

There's more...

In the example given in this recipe, we've set up a 2048 x 2048 24-bit texture to hold our shadow map. Depending on the scene, you may find this is either a waste, or not nearly enough.

In the cases where it's an overkill, don't be afraid to drop the resolution to reclaim some memory for better use elsewhere.

On the other hand, if you find yourself unable to create a large enough shadow map to produce a sufficiently detailed shadow, the addition of blur to a shadow can be a useful tool to diminish or completely eliminate such issues.

See also

  • Creating shadows within the Reach profile recipe of this chapter.