Protractor is a Node-based test runner that is used to tackle end-to-end or automated acceptance testing. Essentially, it is a tool that allows us to programmatically control a web browser. Just like in manual testing, Protractor has the ability to browse to a specific page by entering its URL, and then interact with the elements on the page itself. As an example of how it can be used, suppose that we have a website that has a login page, and all further interaction with the site requires a valid login. We can use Protractor to browse to the login page at the start of each test, enter valid credentials, hit the Login button, and then interact with the site's pages.
Protractor is installed as an npm package as follows:
npm install -g protractor
Here, we have installed the protractor package as a globally accessible node package.
We will get into running Protractor a little later, but first, let's discuss the engine that Protractor uses under the...