Building a micro front-end application
In this section of the chapter, we will go ahead and build our micro front-end application, and combine our Angular, React, and Vue front-ends into an application that behaves like a single store front. We will also integrate our front-ends with the REST API that we built in Chapter 15, An AWS Serverless API. This will ensure that both the React Product List front-end and the Vue Shopping Cart front-end work off the same list of products, as exposed by the /products
In a production front-end, the general idea is that each application is a "silo," and therefore has its own REST endpoints and databases, in such a way that each team has the freedom to modify any piece of their architecture without affecting other front-ends. In reality, though, there will always be some sort of shared data that all front-end applications may need access to. As an example, a store of registered users might be shared across front-ends, or a...