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A Practical Guide to Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization

By : Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo
4.5 (2)
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A Practical Guide to Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization

4.5 (2)
By: Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo

Overview of this book

This book provides deep coverage of modern quantum algorithms that can be used to solve real-world problems. You’ll be introduced to quantum computing using a hands-on approach with minimal prerequisites. You’ll discover many algorithms, tools, and methods to model optimization problems with the QUBO and Ising formalisms, and you will find out how to solve optimization problems with quantum annealing, QAOA, Grover Adaptive Search (GAS), and VQE. This book also shows you how to train quantum machine learning models, such as quantum support vector machines, quantum neural networks, and quantum generative adversarial networks. The book takes a straightforward path to help you learn about quantum algorithms, illustrating them with code that’s ready to be run on quantum simulators and actual quantum computers. You’ll also learn how to utilize programming frameworks such as IBM’s Qiskit, Xanadu’s PennyLane, and D-Wave’s Leap. Through reading this book, you will not only build a solid foundation of the fundamentals of quantum computing, but you will also become familiar with a wide variety of modern quantum algorithms. Moreover, this book will give you the programming skills that will enable you to start applying quantum methods to solve practical problems right away.
Table of Contents (27 chapters)
Part I: I, for One, Welcome our New Quantum Overlords
Part II: When Time is Gold: Tools for Quantum Optimization
Part III: A Match Made in Heaven: Quantum Machine Learning
Part IV: Afterword and Appendices
Chapter 13: Afterword: The Future of Quantum Computing
Appendix A: Complex Numbers
Appendix E: Production Notes

10.3 Quantum neural networks in Qiskit: a commentary

In the previous section, we had a chance to explore in great depth the implementation and training of quantum neural networks in PennyLane. We won’t do an analogous discussion for Qiskit in such a level of detail, but we will at least give you a few ideas about how to get started should you ever need to use Qiskit in order to work with quantum neural networks.

PennyLane provides a very homogeneous and flexible experience. No matter if you’re training a simple binary classifier or a complex hybrid architecture like the ones we will study in the following chapter, it’s all done in the same way.

Qiskit, by contrast, provides a more ”structural” approach. It gives you a suite of classes that can be used to train different kinds of neural networks and that allow you to define your networks in different ways. It’s difficult to judge whether this is a better or worse approach; in the end, it’...