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Instant jQuery Masonry How-to

By : Kyle David Taylor
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Instant jQuery Masonry How-to

By: Kyle David Taylor

Overview of this book

jQuery Masonry is a revolutionary new plugin that enables dynamic layouts on any website. This powerful tool shuffles and rearranges elements to fit any screen size which will ensure your website keeps up with one of the biggest trends of the year, Responsive Web Design.Instant jQuery Masonry How-to will allow you to start building fully responsive layouts for portfolios, galleries, blog pages, and more. Gain a complete understanding of the workings of Masonry, which will allow you to integrate this unique tool into your existing and future projects.The hands-on guide will take you from the basics of jQuery Masonry to utilizing its power within Wordpress and Drupal. You will learn the basics such as implementing single and multi-column layouts, before developing more complex solutions for various media types, fluid layouts, and animating transitions. With the widespread adoption of responsive web design, this book will bring your blog, portfolio, or any project you are working on up to speed.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Placing a corner stamp (Advanced)

In Masonry, we can define a corner stamp, an element that will stay in the corner no matter where any of the other elements have moved. For example, a featured article in a list of blog posts or maybe a section about the author. Using the corner stamp is possible with a modification to Masonry.

Getting Ready

In the code bundle for this book, open the 3-cornerstamp.html file in your preferred text editor to follow along.

How to do it…

  1. Use the CSS properties that we have already defined in the Setting up a single-width column system recipe and make another class for the corner stamp.

       .masonry-item {
          background: #FFA500;
          float: left;
          margin: 5px;
          padding: 5px;
          width: 80px;
       .cornerstamp {
          width: 180px;
          margin: 5px;
          padding: 5px;
          background: #DEDEDE;
          float: right;
  2. Add the standard Masonry HTML structure and then add an additional element with the cornerstamp class.

    <div id='masonry-container'>
       <div class='cornerstamp'>
          Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.
       <div class='masonry-item '>
          Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
       <div class='masonry-item '>
          Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
  3. Before the Masonry script, add the following corner stamp modifications:

       // Masonry corner stamp modifications
       $.Mason.prototype.resize = function() {
       $.Mason.prototype._reLayout = function(callback) {
          var freeCols = this.cols;
          if (this.options.cornerStampSelector) {
             var $cornerStamp = this.element.find(this.options.cornerStampSelector), cornerStampX = $cornerStamp.offset().left - (this.element.offset().left + this.offset.x + parseInt($cornerStamp.css('marginLeft')) );
             freeCols = Math.floor(cornerStampX / this.columnWidth);
          // reset columns
          var i = this.cols;
          this.colYs = [];
          while (i--) {
          for ( i = freeCols; i < this.cols; i++) {
             this.colYs[i] = this.offset.y + $cornerStamp.outerHeight(true);
          // apply layout logic to all bricks
          this.layout(this.$bricks, callback);
  4. Now add the standard Masonry script, with the cornerstamp class assigned to the cornerStampSelector option.

       $(function() {
             itemSelector : '.masonry-item',
             columnWidth : 100,
             cornerStampSelector : '.cornerstamp'

How it works…

After specifying which element is the corner stamp, Masonry will keep the element in the corner while moving all other items around it. There are a couple of things that will break the corner stamp, which you need to take note of. The code for the corner stamp elements cannot have the class used to identify Masonry elements, in our case masonry-item, which is why we identify it separately. In this example, we put the corner stamp in the top-right corner by floating the element to the right, which can be seen in the following screenshot:

There's more…

If we want to put the corner stamp in the top-left corner, we can easily change the float property of the cornerstamp class from right to left.