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Real-World Svelte

By : Tan Li Hau
4.3 (4)
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Real-World Svelte

4.3 (4)
By: Tan Li Hau

Overview of this book

Svelte has quickly become a popular choice among developers seeking to build fast, responsive, and efficient web applications that are high-performing, scalable, and visually stunning. This book goes beyond the basics to help you thoroughly explore the core concepts that make Svelte stand out among other frameworks. You’ll begin by gaining a clear understanding of lifecycle functions, reusable hooks, and various styling options such as Tailwind CSS and CSS variables. Next, you’ll find out how to effectively manage the state, props, and bindings and explore component patterns for better organization. You’ll also discover how to create patterns using actions, demonstrate custom events, integrate vanilla JS UI libraries, and progressively enhance UI elements. As you advance, you’ll delve into state management with context and stores, implement custom stores, handle complex data, and manage states effectively, along with creating renderless components for specialized functionalities and learning animations with tweened and spring stores. The concluding chapters will help you focus on enhancing UI elements with transitions while covering accessibility considerations. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped to unlock Svelte's full potential, build exceptional web applications, and deliver performant, responsive, and inclusive user experiences.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Part 1: Writing Svelte Components
Part 2: Actions
Part 3: Context and Stores
Part 4: Transitions

Custom Events with Actions

Actions are one of the most powerful features of Svelte.

They are a lightweight alternative to a component that encapsulates logic and data into a reusable unit. They help us reuse the same logic on different elements.

While components have life cycle methods such as onMount and onDestroy that run when all the elements within the component are added to or removed from the DOM, actions are designed to handle the logic for individual elements, running only when that specific element is added to or removed from the DOM.

While components can receive and react to prop changes, you can pass data to actions from a parent component to a child component. The actions will react when the data is changed and you can specify how the action should react when that data changes.

Actions are simple yet amazingly versatile. You can use them for various things. In this and the following chapters, we are going to explore some of the use cases of actions.

One of...