Web typography
Typography on the web has come on tremendously in the last few years. Where once it was necessary to include a slew of different file formats, things have pretty much settled on .woff
and the newer .woff2
. In addition, we have more control over the particulars of our fonts in CSS and new variable fonts are popping up on a monthly basis.
If some of that introduction was lost on you, fear not. Let's try to get through the current state of the art in web typography.
First, however, let's talk about system fonts as they represent the best performing web typography choice you can opt for.
System fonts
Each operating system has its own set of fonts that come preinstalled. However, aside from a few exceptions, there aren't many fonts you can rely upon to be installed on every device a user might view your site with.
Subsequently, we've grown accustomed to writing font "stacks," which enable us to write a font "wish...