CSS color formats and alpha transparency
When we start using CSS, we typically start by defining color as a hex value. However, CSS provides more powerful ways to declare color. We are going to explore another two: RGB and HSL. In addition, these two formats enable us to use an alpha channel alongside them (RGBA and HSLA, respectively). For the remainder of this chapter, we'll take a look at how these work.
RGB color
RGB (red, green, and blue) is a coloring system that's been around for decades. It works by defining different values for the red, green, and blue components of a color. For example, a red color might be defined in CSS as a hex (hexadecimal) value, #fe0208:
.redness {
color: #fe0208;
For a great post describing how to understand hex values more intuitively, I can recommend this blog post at Smashing Magazine: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/10/04/the-code-side-of-color/.
However, with CSS, that color can equally be described...