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Mobile First Design with HTML5 and CSS3

By : Jason Gonzales
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Mobile First Design with HTML5 and CSS3

By: Jason Gonzales

Overview of this book

<p>The mobile first design philosophy aims to develop websites that will be lean and fast on small screens without sacrificing a tablet or desktop experience. Using HTML5, CSS3, and simple, standardized modern web tools you can make one site to rule them all.</p> <p>Mobile First Design with HTML5 and CSS3 will teach you the tools you need to make a modern, standards-based web page that displays beautifully on nearly any web browser—essential knowledge for anyone who makes websites!</p> <p>In this book, you will learn how to set up a project from scratch and quickly get up and running with a full portfolio website that will form the base for making almost any kind of web page. Learn to develop web pages that fit the web conventions we all have to conform to. You will learn how to make responsive image slideshows; image galleries with detail pages; and bold, eye-catching banners and forms. Best of all, you will learn how to make these things fast without compromising quality.</p> <p>This book will walk you through the process step by step with all the code required, as well as the thinking that goes behind planning a mobile first responsive website.</p>
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Preparing and planning your workspace

Everyone has preferred methods for where they keep their code and how they organize it, and there are a lot of conventions in web development about organization that are great to know about. Ultimately, if you have a workflow you like for working with code, especially code from tutorials, please just go ahead and use it. But for those of you who don't, I suggest you place the code you download in some kind of working directory where you keep (or plan to keep) all web projects. I typically keep all my web code in a directory I call work in my home folder. So on a Unix or Mac OS X machine, it would look like this:


A few last notes about where to put your code. If you are using this book specifically for the purpose of building something you want to deploy and use, you may only want to use the sample code as a reference and build your project using only the 320 and Up framework files provided. However, ensure that you put all of it in...