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Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium

By : Christian Brousseau
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Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium

By: Christian Brousseau

Overview of this book

Smartphones and tablets have really changed the technological landscape over the last 3-4 years. Much like the web did in the last decade, these powerful tools have changed the way people communicate and access information. Such a wide market creates opportunities for developers who have the skills to develop mobile applications. "Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium" is a practical, step-by-step guide to building iPhone, iPad, and Android applications using JavaScript. This book will give you a solid grounding of the dos and don'ts of mobile development and also covers a lot of the functionalities offered by the Titanium platform. This book begins with a look at what the Titanium platform has to offer. By taking you through clear tutorials on developing each application step-by-step, it helps you to apply your newly acquired knowledge afterwards. The difficulty level gradually increases along the course of the book. Each application from this book covers different aspects of mobile development. Every chapter starts by defining the application's features as well as the user interface structure. Every single code section is then explained and put into context allowing you to gain a clear understanding of their purpose and functionality. The book takes a “small milestone” approach, allowing you to actually run the application and see the progression. Every step is accompanied by many screenshots so you can see the expected result on screen. You will learn everything you need to know to develop your very own mobile applications. The book takes a laid-back approach to Titanium development and provides information in a way designed to never overwhelm the reader with information and also uses clear diagrams, screenshots, and tips throughout.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium
About the Author
About the Reviewers


In this chapter, we covered the development of a very basic JRPG that allows our player to walk around the map and all the steps to achieve it.

First, we saw that it takes a lot of tools to build a game; code is not enough in this case. We learned how to incorporate a native game engine into a Titanium application in order to enjoy far more graphical performance than regular views.

We covered the uses of external tool to build our game assets, such as the map editor. We went over concepts such as tilesets, layers, individual tiles, and so on. We also learned how to manipulate graphics with concepts such as sprites, SpriteSheets, and animations.

More generally speaking, we covered concepts such as the gaming loop and event interaction. We also covered finer-tuned touch events such as touchstart, touchmove, and touchend so that they can work when the user drags his or her finger on the screen. Such concepts are used to some extent even when developing a bigger game.

With all that has been...