- What is the first step in using almost every Qt feature we have worked with?
- From what you learned in this chapter, why is QVariant one of the base Qt concepts?
- What does IPC stand for?
- How do you specify that you want to start a Qt application so that its GUI is available to a web browser?
- What type of Qt GUI can be displayed through a web browser?
- Why is outputting to PDF so easy in Qt?
- How do you tell the Qt tools that you want to use printing in your application?
Hands-On Embedded Programming with Qt
By :
Hands-On Embedded Programming with Qt
Overview of this book
Qt is an open source toolkit suitable for cross-platform and embedded application development. This book uses inductive teaching to help you learn how to create applications for embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Qt 5.
You’ll start by learning to develop your very first application with Qt. Next, you’ll build on the first application by understanding new concepts through hands-on projects and written text. Each project will introduce new features that will help you transform your basic first project into a connected IoT application running on embedded hardware. In addition to gaining practical experience in developing an embedded Qt project, you will also gain valuable insights into best practices for Qt development and explore advanced techniques for testing, debugging, and monitoring the performance of Qt applications. The examples and projects covered throughout the book can be run both locally and on an embedded platform.
By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to use Qt 5 to confidently develop modern embedded applications.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: Getting Started with Embedded Qt
Setting Up the Environment
Writing Your First Qt Application
Running Your First Application on the Target
Section 2: Working with Embedded Qt
Important Qt Concepts
Managing the Overall Workflow
Exploring GUI Technologies
Adding More Features
Section 3: Deep Dive into Embedded Qt
Qt in the Embedded World
Exploring the IoT with Qt
Using More Qt-Related Technologies
Section 4: Advanced Techniques and Best Practices
Debugging, Logging, and Monitoring Qt Applications
Responsive Application Programming - Threads
Qt Best Practices
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Appendix A: BigProject Requirements
Appendix B: Bonus Code - Simplifying Q_PROPERTY
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