- action sheets / Popover and alerts (iOS)
- activity lifecycle (Android)
- about / Activity lifecycle (Android)
- active/running / Active/Running
- paused / Paused
- Backgrounded state / Backgrounded
- stopped / Stopped
- restarted / Restarted
- alert dialogs / Popover and alerts (iOS)
- Android
- design metrics / Design metrics on Android
- Android Callable Wrappers (ACW)
- about / Xamarin on Android
- Android Debug Bridge (ADB) / Troubleshooting and diagnostics
- Android Device Monitor
- about / Device Monitor (Android only)
- Android Virtual Devices (AVD) / Emulators for Android
- Apple Developer Enterprise Program / Apple Developer Enterprise Program
- Apple Notification Push Service (APNS)
- about / Push notifications
- Application Binary Interface (ABI) / Packing options
- Application Component lifecycle
- about / Application Component lifecycle
- activity lifecycle (Android) / Activity lifecycle (Android)
- application lifecycle (iOS) / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- application data
- about / Application data
- installation directory / Installation directory
- local storage / Local storage
- temporary storage / Temporary storage
- Application Insights
- about / Application Insights
- application lifecycle (iOS)
- about / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- state-related methods / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- development pipeline / Development pipeline
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting and diagnostics
- diagnostics / Troubleshooting and diagnostics
- about / Continuous integration
- App Transport Security (ATS)
- about / Transport
- architectural patterns
- about / Architectural patterns
- model-view-controller (MVC) pattern / MVC
- Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern / MVVM
- asynchronous methods
- about / Asynchronous methods
- continuation / Continuation
- cancellation / Cancellation
- progress / Progress
- task batches / Task batches
- automated testing
- about / Automated testing
- background tasks
- about / Background tasks
- on iOS / Background tasks on iOS
- services (Android only) / Services (Android only)
- on Android / Services (Android only)
- backup
- about / Backup/Roaming
- Android Backup API / Android and Backup API
- ubiquitous storage, iOS / iOS and ubiquitous storage
- best practices, patterns
- disposable objects / Disposable objects
- about / Disposable objects, Patterns and best practices, Patterns and best practices
- lapsed listener problem / The lapsed listener problem
- weak references / Weak references
- cross-domain objects / Cross-domain objects
- cyclic references (cycles) / Cyclic references (cycles)
- async pattern conversions / Async pattern conversions
- multi-threading, with tasks / Multi-threading with tasks
- exception handling / Exception handling
- initialization pattern / Initialization pattern
- semaphores / Semaphores
- application preferences / Application preferences
- file picker / File picker
- beta deployment
- about / Beta deployment
- HockeyApp / HockeyApp
- Crashlytics / Crashlytics
- TestFlight / TestFlight
- package distribution / Package distribution
- binding library
- about / Xamarin on iOS
- Boehm (iOS Only) garbage collector
- bundle
- about / iOS
- Calabash
- about / Calabash
- Cloud integration
- defining / Cloud integration
- Azure Mobile Services / Azure Mobile Services
- Azure offline data / Azure offline data
- Azure authentication / Azure authentication
- Coded UI tests (Windows Phone)
- about / Coded UI tests (Windows Phone)
- collection views
- about / Collection views
- UITableView (iOS) / UITableView (iOS)
- UICollectionView (iOS) / UICollectionView (iOS)
- ListView (Android) / ListView (Android)
- GridView (Android) / GridView (Android)
- CardView (Android) / CardView (Android)
- ListView and ListBox (Windows Phone) / ListView and ListBox (Windows Phone)
- GridView (Windows Phone) / GridView (Windows Phone)
- virtualizing panels (Windows Phone) / Virtualizing panels (Windows Phone)
- components, Xamarin.Forms
- connected apps
- defining / Connected apps
- content elements
- about / Content elements
- collection views / Collection views
- modal views / Modal views
- text views / Text views
- web views / Web views
- content sharing
- about / Content sharing
- File picker contract (Windows Store apps) / File pickers and contracts (Windows Store apps)
- Document Provider extensions (iOS) / Document Provider extensions (iOS)
- ContentProvider (Android) / ContentProvider and ContentResolver (Android)
- ContentResolver (Android) / ContentProvider and ContentResolver (Android)
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- about / NuGet packages, Continuous integration
- Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) / Visual Studio Team Services
- TeamCity / TeamCity
- Crashlytics
- about / Crashlytics
- cross-platform projects, with Xamarin
- about / Cross-platform projects with Xamarin
- Xamarin as platform / Xamarin as a platform
- Xamarin as product / Xamarin as a product
- data
- about / Data in mobile applications
- data, in mobile applications
- about / Data in mobile applications
- state / State
- app data / App data
- local files / Local files
- external data / External data
- data bindings
- OneTime binding / Windows Runtime
- OneWay binding / Windows Runtime
- TwoWay mode / Windows Runtime
- eWayToSource / Windows Runtime
- design elements
- about / Design elements
- basic layout / The basic layout
- navigation / Navigation
- content elements / Content elements
- feedback / Feedback
- design metrics
- on Android / Design metrics on Android
- on iOS / Design metrics on iOS
- on Windows Runtime / Design metrics on Windows Runtime
- design patterns
- defining / Patterns and best practices
- and best practices / Patterns and best practices, Patterns and best practices
- async conversions / Async conversions
- data model abstraction / Data model abstraction
- service cache / Service cache
- messaging infrastructure / Messaging infrastructure
- Dependency injection / Dependency injection
- shared project, versus portable project / Shared project versus portable project
- platform-specific fine-tuning / Platform-specific fine-tuning
- design philosophy
- about / Design philosophy
- user expectations / User expectations
- platform imperatives / Platform imperatives
- hardware dependency / Hardware dependency
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up the development environment
- right development OS, selecting / Choosing the right development OS
- Xamarin Studio setup and configuration / Xamarin Studio setup and configuration
- Visual Studio setup and configuration / Visual Studio setup and configuration
- development pipeline
- about / Development pipeline
- distribution options
- about / Distribution options
- app store(s) / App store(s), Ad-hoc
- ad-hoc distribution / Ad-hoc
- elements, OData
- reference / OData
- emulator options
- about / Emulator options
- emulators for Android / Emulators for Android
- iOS emulation / iOS emulation
- Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) / Async pattern conversions
- Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
- about / Under the hood
- feedback
- about / Feedback
- indeterminate task progress / Indeterminate progress
- determinate task progress / Determinate progress
- FileCreationMode
- about / Android
- first-in-first-out (FIFO) / Concurrency model on iOS
- forms
- extending / Extending forms
- styles / Styles
- triggers and behaviors / Triggers and behaviors
- custom renderers / Custom renderers
- garbage collection (GC)
- about / Garbage collection
- garbage collection (GC), on Xamarin projects
- about / GC on Xamarin projects
- SGen garbage collector / SGen garbage collector
- Boehm (iOS Only) garbage collector / Boehm garbage collector (iOS only)
- geofence
- about / Geofencing
- Git
- about / Git
- Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
- about / Push notifications
- GPS (Global Position System)
- about / Location data
- hardware dependency
- about / Hardware dependency
- design metrics, on Android / Design metrics on Android
- design metrics, on iOS / Design metrics on iOS
- design metrics, on Windows Runtime / Design metrics on Windows Runtime
- HockeyApp
- about / HockeyApp
- installation directory
- about / Installation directory
- Android / Android
- iOS / iOS
- instruments
- about / Instruments (iOS only)
- interaction gestures
- interactive controls
- about / Interactive controls
- text input / Text input
- dropdown selection / Dropdown selection
- option selection / Option selection, Gestures
- Internal Storage / Android
- iOS
- design metrics / Design metrics on iOS
- iOS, background tasks
- about / Background tasks on iOS
- background-safe tasks / Background tasks on iOS
- DidEnterBackground tasks / Background tasks on iOS
- background transfers / Background tasks on iOS
- IoT (Internet of Things) / Bluetooth
- Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) / Release packages
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) / Disabling debugging
- just-in-time (JIT) / Release packages
- language plural rules
- reference link / Xamarin.Android
- Line of Business (LOB) apps
- about / Line of Business apps
- private channel distribution (Android) / Private channel distribution (Android)
- Apple Developer Enterprise Program / Apple Developer Enterprise Program
- Windows Phone private distribution / Windows Phone private distribution
- linking process, Xamarin.Android app package (.apk)
- Live Connect App management site
- URL / Azure authentication
- live telemetry
- about / Live telemetry
- Xamarin Insights / Xamarin Insights
- Application Insights / Application Insights
- local filesystem
- about / Local filesystem
- localization
- about / Localization
- locale / Locale and culture
- culture / Locale and culture
- in Windows Phone / Windows Phone
- in Xamarin.iOS / Xamarin.iOS
- in Xamarin.Android / Xamarin.Android
- in Xamarin.Forms / Xamarin.Forms
- Localization ID / Xamarin.iOS
- local storage
- about / Local storage
- Android / Android
- Shared Preferences / Android
- Internal Storage / Android
- iOS / iOS
- location data
- about / Location data
- Android location / Android location and Google Play services
- Google Play services / Android location and Google Play services
- location services, on iOS / Location services on iOS
- on Windows Runtime / Location data on Windows Runtime
- geofencing / Geofencing
- Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) / Build options
- Mac build host / Visual Studio setup and configuration
- Managed Callable Wrappers (MCW)
- about / Xamarin on Android
- mobile country code (MCC) / Adaptive visual assets
- Mobile Device Management (MDM) / Apple Developer Enterprise Program
- mobile network code (MNC) / Adaptive visual assets
- modal views
- about / Modal views
- popover and alerts (iOS) / Popover and alerts (iOS)
- menus (Windows Phone) / Flyout, popups, and menus (Windows Phone)
- flyout (Windows Phone) / Flyout, popups, and menus (Windows Phone)
- popups (Windows Phone) / Flyout, popups, and menus (Windows Phone)
- dialogs (Android) / Dialogs (Android)
- model-view-controller (MVC) pattern
- Model / MVC
- about / MVC
- Controller / MVC
- View / MVC
- iOS app architecture / iOS app architecture
- model-view-presenter (MVP) / Architectural patterns
- Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
- about / Messaging infrastructure
- Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
- about / Messaging infrastructure
- Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern
- about / Architectural patterns, MVVM
- Windows Runtime / Windows Runtime
- on Xamarin.iOS / MVVM on Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
- on Xamarin.Android / MVVM on Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
- with Xamarin.Forms / MVVM with Xamarin.Forms
- mono runtime
- about / Target platforms
- Monotouch Profiler
- about / Monotouch Profiler (iOS only)
- multithreading, on Xamarin
- about / Multithreading on Xamarin
- single thread model / Single thread model
- Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) / Task-based Asynchronous Pattern
- concurrency model on iOS / Concurrency model on iOS
- native libraries
- about / Native libraries
- managed callable wrappers (Android) / Managed callable wrappers (Android)
- linking, versus binding (iOS) / Linking versus binding (iOS)
- navigation
- about / Navigation
- horizontal navigation / Horizontal navigation
- vertical navigation / Vertical navigation
- jump navigation / Jump navigation
- Near Field Communication (NFC) protocol / Near Field Communication
- NuGet packages
- about / NuGet packages
- reference / NuGet packages
- package distribution
- about / Package distribution
- packing options
- Bundle assemblies into native code / Packing options
- Generate one package (.apk) per selected ABI / Packing options
- AOT Compilation / Packing options
- Enable Multi-Dex / Packing options
- Enable ProGuard / Packing options
- pages, Xamarin.Forms
- Tabbed page / Tabbed page
- MasterDetail page / The MasterDetail page
- NavigationPage / NavigationPage
- CarouselPage / CarouselPage
- ContentPage / ContentPage
- parallel execution
- about / Parallel execution
- patterns
- best practices / Disposable objects, Patterns and best practices
- peer-to-peer (P2P) networks / Wi-Fi Direct
- peripherals
- about / Peripherals
- Bluetooth / Bluetooth
- Wi-Fi Direct / Wi-Fi Direct
- Near Field Communication (NFC) / Near Field Communication
- permission levels, of file
- platform-specific concepts
- about / Platform-specific concepts
- object reference types / Object reference types
- Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) / Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
- Portable Class Libraries (PCLs)
- about / Dependency injection
- quality, in cross-development
- about / Quality in cross-development
- reusability / Reusability
- abstraction / Abstraction
- loose-coupling / Loose-coupling
- Nativity / Nativity
- release packages
- about / Release packages
- Xamarin.Android app package (.apk) / Xamarin.Android app package (.apk)
- Xamarin.iOS app bundle (.ipa) / Xamarin.iOS app bundle (.ipa)
- Windows Phone app package (.appx) / Windows Phone app package (.appx)
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- about / RESTful services
- services (Android only)
- about / Services (Android only)
- started service / Services (Android only)
- bound service / Services (Android only)
- SGen garbage collector
- about / SGen garbage collector
- Shared Preferences / Android
- SignalR
- source control
- about / Source control
- Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) / TFVC
- Git / Git
- TFS/Git scenarios / TFS/Git scenarios
- Subversion (SVN) / Subversion (SVN)
- SQLite
- about / SQLite
- state-related methods, application lifecycle (iOS)
- WillFinishLaunching / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- FinishedLaunching / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- OnResignActivation / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- OnActivated / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- DidEnterBackground / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- WillTerminate / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- WillEnterForeground / Application lifecycle (iOS)
- Subversion (SVN)
- about / Subversion (SVN)
- target platforms
- about / Target platforms
- Xamarin on Android / Xamarin on Android
- Xamarin on iOS / Xamarin on iOS
- Windows Runtime apps / Windows Runtime apps
- Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) / Task-based Asynchronous Pattern
- Task Parallel Library (TPL) / Asynchronous methods
- TeamCity
- about / TeamCity
- Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)
- about / TFVC
- test-driven development (TDD) pattern / Unit testing
- TestFlight
- about / TestFlight
- text resources, visual assets
- about / Text resources
- Xamarin.Android / Xamarin.Android
- Xamarin.iOS / Xamarin.iOS
- Windows Phone / Windows Phone
- text views
- displaying, on Windows platform / Text views
- displaying, on Android platform / Text views
- displaying, on iOS platform / Text views
- TFS/Git scenarios
- about / TFS/Git scenarios
- Git bridge / Git bridge
- NuGet packages / NuGet packages
- troubleshooting
- about / Troubleshooting and diagnosis
- Xamarin Profiler / Xamarin Profiler
- Device Monitor (Android only) / Device Monitor (Android only)
- instruments (iOS only) / Instruments (iOS only)
- Monotouch Profiler (iOS only) / Monotouch Profiler (iOS only)
- Twitter
- URL / Azure authentication
- UIController / iOS app architecture
- UI testing
- about / UI testing
- Xamarin.UITests / Xamarin.UITests and Xamarin Test Cloud
- Xamarin Test Cloud / Xamarin.UITests and Xamarin Test Cloud
- Xamarin Test Recorder / Xamarin Test Recorder
- Coded UI tests (Windows Phone) / Coded UI tests (Windows Phone)
- Calabash / Calabash
- unit testing
- about / Unit testing
- platform-agnostic unit tests / Platform-agnostic unit tests
- platform-specific unit tests / Platform-specific unit tests
- user interaction
- about / User interaction
- interactive controls / Interactive controls
- gestures / Gestures
- View-Controller / iOS app architecture
- visual assets
- about / Visual assets
- text resources / Text resources
- image resources / Image resources
- adaptive visual assets / Adaptive visual assets
- reusable assets / Reusable assets
- Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)
- about / Visual Studio Team Services
- Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
- about / SOAP/XML services
- web services
- defining / Web services
- transport / Transport
- messaging / Messaging
- SOAP/XML services / SOAP/XML services
- RESTful services / RESTful services
- OData / OData and OAuth, OData
- OAuth / OAuth
- Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
- about / SOAP/XML services
- Windows Notification Services (WNS)
- about / Push notifications
- Windows Phone app package (.appx) / Windows Phone app package (.appx)
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) / MVVM
- Windows Runtime
- design metrics / Design metrics on Windows Runtime
- Xamarin
- cross-platform projects, with / Cross-platform projects with Xamarin
- Xamarin.Android app package (.apk)
- about / Xamarin.Android app package (.apk)
- debugging, disabling / Disabling debugging
- linking / Linking
- packing options / Packing options
- packaging / Packaging
- Xamarin.Forms
- defining / Under the hood
- anatomy / Anatomy of Xamarin.Forms
- project structure / Project structure
- components / Components
- Xamarin.iOS app bundle (.ipa)
- about / Xamarin.iOS app bundle (.ipa)
- build options / Build options
- linking / Linking
- provisioning profile / Provisioning profile
- Xamarin.UITests
- Xamarin Component Store
- reference / Components
- Xamarin Insights
- about / Xamarin Insights
- Xamarin platforms
- defining / Platform-specific concepts
- permissions / Permissions
- NSUrlConnection/NSUrlSession (iOS Only) / NSUrlConnection/NSUrlSession (iOS Only)
- background downloads / Background downloads
- push notifications / Push notifications
- Xamarin Profiler
- about / Xamarin Profiler
- allocations instrument / Allocations instrument
- time profiler / Time Profiler
- Xamarin solution structure
- about / A typical Xamarin solution structure
- portable class libraries / Portable class libraries
- shared projects / Shared projects
- Xamarin.Forms / Xamarin.Forms
- NuGet packages / NuGet packages
- components / Components
- Xamarin Test Cloud
- Xamarin Test Recorder
- about / Xamarin Test Recorder
- Xcode Instruments
- about / Instruments (iOS only)
- reference link / Reusable assets