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Mastering Selenium WebDriver 3.0 - Second Edition

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Mastering Selenium WebDriver 3.0 - Second Edition

Overview of this book

The second edition of Mastering Selenium 3.0 WebDriver starts by showing you how to build your own Selenium framework with Maven. You'll then look at how you can solve the difficult problems that you will undoubtedly come across as you start using Selenium in an enterprise environment and learn how to produce the right feedback when failing. Next, you’ll explore common exceptions that you will come across as you use Selenium, the root causes of these exceptions, and how to fix them. Along the way, you’ll use Advanced User Interactions APIs, running any JavaScript you need through Selenium; and learn how to quickly spin up a Selenium Grid using Docker containers. In the concluding chapters, you‘ll work through a series of scenarios that demonstrate how to extend Selenium to work with external libraries and applications so that you can be sure you are using the right tool for the job.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)

Using a Docker Maven plugin

There is docker-maven plugin available. In fact, there is more than one available. I found seven when I went looking, and there are probably more now. At the time of writing this book, all of the plugins suffered from one fatal flaw—they didn't support Linux sockets. This means that they are only really useful if you are running boot2docker at the moment. This really isn't ideal, but it's still worth investigating how we can use them. The first one that I tried that really met my needs was the one written by Wouter Danes, but unfortunately the project is no longer active. As a result, I've had to switch and the fabric8 one seems to meet my current needs (see

We are going to base this Maven implementation off the shell scripts that we wrote previously:
