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Web Application Development with R Using Shiny - Third Edition

By : Chris Beeley, Shitalkumar R. Sukhdeve
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Web Application Development with R Using Shiny - Third Edition

By: Chris Beeley, Shitalkumar R. Sukhdeve

Overview of this book

Web Application Development with R Using Shiny helps you become familiar with the complete R Shiny package. The book starts with a quick overview of R and its fundamentals, followed by an exploration of the fundamentals of Shiny and some of the things that it can help you do. You’ll learn about the wide range of widgets and functions within Shiny and how they fit together to make an attractive and easy to use application. Once you have understood the basics, you'll move on to studying more advanced UI features, including how to style apps in detail using the Bootstrap framework or and Shiny's inbuilt layout functions. You'll learn about enhancing Shiny with JavaScript, ranging from adding simple interactivity with JavaScript right through to using JavaScript to enhance the reactivity between your app and the UI. You'll learn more advanced Shiny features of Shiny, such as uploading and downloading data and reports, as well as how to interact with tables and link reactive outputs. Lastly, you'll learn how to deploy Shiny applications over the internet, as well as and how to handle storage and data persistence within Shiny applications, including the use of relational databases. By the end of this book, you'll be ready to create responsive, interactive web applications using the complete R (v 3.4) Shiny (1.1.0) suite.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)

The R console

Windows and Mac OS X users can run the R application to launch the R console. Linux and Mac OS X users can also run the R console straight from the Terminal by typing R.

In either case, the R console itself will look something like the following screenshot:

R will respond to your commands right from the Terminal. Let's have a go. Run the following command in the R console:

> 2 + 2
[1] 4

The [1] phrase tells you that R returned one result, in this case, 4. The following command shows you how to print Hello world:

> print("Hello world!")
[1] "Hello world!"

The following command shows the multiples of pi:

> 1:10 * pi
[1]  3.141593  6.283185  9.424778 12.566371 15.707963 18.849556
[7] 21.991149 25.132741 28.274334 31.415927

This example illustrates vector-based programming in R. The 1:10 phrase generates the numbers 1:10 as a vector, and each is then multiplied by pi, which returns another vector, the elements each being pi times larger than the original. Operating on vectors is an important part of writing simple and efficient R code. As you can see, R again indexes the values it returns at the console, with the seventh value being 21.99.

One of the big strengths of using R is the graphics capability, which is excellent, even in a vanilla installation of R (these graphics are referred to as the base graphics because they ship with R). When adding packages such as ggplot2 and some of the JavaScript-based packages, R becomes a graphical tour de force, whether producing statistical, mathematical, or topographical figures, or indeed any other type of graphical output. To get a flavor of the power of the base graphics, simply type the following in the Console and see the types of plots that can be made using R:

> demo(graphics)

You can also type the following command:

> demo(persp)

There will be more on ggplot2 and base graphics later in the chapter.

Enjoy! There are many more examples of R graphics at