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Xamarin Cross-Platform Development Cookbook

By : George Taskos
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Xamarin Cross-Platform Development Cookbook

By: George Taskos

Overview of this book

<p>You can create native mobile applications using the Xamarin Forms platform for the three major platforms iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. The advantage of this is sharing as much code as you can, such as the UI, business logic, data models, SQLite data access, HTTP data access, and file storage across the three major platforms.</p> <p>This book provide recipes on how to create an architecture that will be maintainable, extendable, use Xamarin Forms plugins to boost productivity, customize your views per platforms, and use platform-specific implementations at runtime.</p> <p>We start with a simple creation of a Xamarin Forms solution with the three major platforms. We will then jump to XAML recipes and you will learn how to create a tabbed application page, and customize the style and behavior of views for each platform. Moving on, you will acquire more advanced knowledge and techniques while implementing views and pages for each platform and also calling native UI screens such as the native camera page.</p> <p>Further on, we demonstrate the power of architecting a cross-platform solution and how to share code between platforms, create abstractions, and inject platform-specific implementations. Next, you will utilize and access hardware features that vary from platform to platform with cross-platform techniques. Well then show you the power of databinding offered by Xamarin Forms and how you can create bindable models and use them in XAML. You will learn how to handle user interactions with the device and take actions in particular events.</p> <p>With all the work done and your application ready, you will master the steps of getting the app ready and publishing it in the app store.</p>
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Xamarin Cross-Platform Development Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Using common platform features

The biggest challenge when developing a cross-platform application is the specific platform features APIs. Many common platform features exists across the platforms, but there isn't always a simple way to use them. For instance, showing an alert dialog message box or opening a URL from your application is a supported feature for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone but the APIs are completely different and platform specific, and a Portable Class Library has no access to all these features.

For our convenience, Xamarin.Forms supports some of the common platform-specific features out of the box. The architectural design and how you can create your own abstractions and implementations to use them in runtime in the portable library is discussed in Chapter 4, Different Cars, Same Engine.

How to do it...

We will explore the following Xamarin.Forms APIs:

  • Device.OpenUri – opens a URL in native browser

  • Device.StartTimer – triggers time-dependent tasks

  • Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread – any background code that needs to update the user interface

  • Page.DisplayAlert – shows simple alert message dialogs

  • Xamarin.Forms.Map – a NuGet cross-platform map library

Let's create an application to see the usage of the preceding APIs.

  1. Create a cross-platform project from scratch using the default template named XamFormsCommonPlatform.

  2. Create a new folder and add a new class named MainPage.cs.

  3. Paste the following code:

    public class MainPage: ContentPage {
      private Button openUriButton;
      private Button startTimerButton;
      private Button marshalUIThreadButton;
      private Button displayAlertButton;
      private Button displayActionSheetButton;
      private Button openMapButton;
      private StackLayout stackLayout;
      public MainPage() {
        openUriButton = new Button {
          Text = "Open Xamarin Evolve"
        startTimerButton = new Button {
          Text = "Start timer"
        marshalUIThreadButton = new Button {
          Text = "Invoke on main thread"
        displayAlertButton = new Button {
          Text = "Display an alert"
        displayActionSheetButton = new Button {
          Text = "Display an ActionSheet"
        openMapButton = new Button {
          Text = "Open platform map"
      openUriButton.Clicked += OpenUriButton_Clicked;
      startTimerButton.Clicked += StartTimerButton_Clicked;
      marshalUIThreadButton.Clicked += MarshalUIThreadButton_Clicked;
      displayAlertButton.Clicked += DisplayAlertButton_Clicked;
      displayActionSheetButton.Clicked += DisplayActionSheetButton_Clicked;
      openMapButton.Clicked += OpenMapButton_Clicked;
      stackLayout = new StackLayout {
        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
        Spacing = 10,
        Padding = new Thickness(10),
        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
        Children = {
      Content = stackLayout;
      void OpenMapButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      async void DisplayActionSheetButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        string action = await DisplayActionSheet("Simple ActionSheet", "Cancel", "Delete", new string[] {
        Debug.WriteLine("We tapped {0}", action);
      async void DisplayAlertButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        bool result = await DisplayAlert("Simple Alert Dialog", "Sweet!", "OK", "Cancel");
        Debug.WriteLine("Alert result: {0}", result ? "OK" : "Cancel");
      void MarshalUIThreadButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Task.Run(async() => {
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          await Task.Delay(1000);
          Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
            marshalUIThreadButton.Text = string.Format("Invoke {0}", i);
      void StartTimerButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () => {
         Debug.WriteLine("Timer Delegate Invoked");
         return true; // false if we want to cancel the timer.
      void OpenUriButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Device.OpenUri(new Uri(""));
  4. Ignore the OpenMapButton_Clicked method for now; we will need to make some configuration soon to make it work.

  5. Run each application and test all the buttons except Open platform map, which has no functionality yet.

You should see something similar to the following screenshot:

In iOS:

In Android:

In Windows Phone:

To add Cross-Maps to our application, we first need to make some platform-specific configurations.

  1. For all the projects in our solution, add the Nuget package: Xamarin.Form.Maps.

  2. For the iOS and Windows Phone application projects, add the following code after Forms.Init(). As a reminder, the call is in MainActivity.cs for Android and in AppDelegate.cs in iOS.

  3. In the Android project, we need to pass the two required parameters as the Forms.Init call.

    Xamarin.FormsMaps.Init(this, bundle);
  4. For the iOS 7 apps, there is no need for any modifications, but iOS 8 requires two keys in the info.plist file. Open the file and view its source, then add the following key/value pair:

  5. For Android, you need to get a Google Maps API v2 key; visit the link to complete this requirement:

  6. Open Properties/AndroidManifest.xml, view source, and add or update the following in your <application> tag:

    <meta-dataandroid:name="" android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" />
  7. Right-click the Android project and choose Options. Select the Android Application section and in Required Permissions, check the following:

    • Internet

    • AccessNetworkState

    • AccessCoarseLocation

    • AccessFineLocation

    • AccessLocationExtraCommands

    • AccessMockLocation

    • AccessWifiState

  8. Open the Properties/WMAppmanifest.xml file in the Windows Phone Silverlight project and add the following in Capabilities:

    • ID_CAP_MAP



    The Xamarin.Forms.Maps library does not currently support Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 8.1 projects.

  9. Add a new page with a right-click in the Custom Pages folder and Add | New File. Name it MapPage.

  10. Make the MapPage class a ContentPage subclass.

  11. Add the following code:

    private Map map;
    private StackLayout stackLayout;
    public MapPage() {
      MapSpan span = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(40.730599, -73.986581), Distance.FromMiles(0.4));
      map = new Map(span) {
        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
      stackLayout = new StackLayout {
        Spacing = 0,
        Children = {
      Content = stackLayout;
  12. In MainPage.cs, add the following line of code in the OpenMapButton_Clicked method:

    Navigation.PushModalAsync (new MapPage ());
  13. Run your applications, tap the Open platform map, and check out Manhattan!

We can also change the map type and add pins on a map. The available pin types are the following:

  • Generic

  • Place

  • SavedPin

  • SearchResult

To add a pin on the map, use the following code:

Position position = new Position(40.730599, -73.986581);
Pin pin = new Pin {
  Type = PinType.Place,
  Position = position,
  Label = "New York",
  Address = "New York"


Yes, it is that easy! The Xamarin team did a great job abstracting this common feature to accomplish the most basic operations with a map.

In iOS:

In Android:

In Windows Phone:

How it works…

Xamarin has provided us with all the abstractions that we can reference in our PCL core library and the implementations of these platform-specific features for our native projects. Using the DependencyService (a service we will cook in Chapter 4, Different Cars, Same Engine), a Service Locator mechanism to resolve dependencies in runtime, Xamarin makes it possible for us to create native applications with these common features in a very short time.

Device.OpenUri in runtime will inject implementation that will allow it to use the iOS UIAlertController, in Android the AlertDialog, and in Windows Phone the MessageBox platform-specific APIs. Device.StartTimer will hide the equivalent timer APIs and the same practice goes for all the plugins we demonstrated.

The same rules apply for the Xamarin.Forms.Map library, but some configuration requirements are needed.


One objective of Xamarin and especially Xamarin.Forms is to make us more productive; this is where the Xamarin and Community plugins come into play. Always check before you start reinventing the wheel!