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Automate it! - Recipes to upskill your business

By : Chetan Giridhar
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Automate it! - Recipes to upskill your business

By: Chetan Giridhar

Overview of this book

<p>This book gives you a great selection of recipes to automate your business processes with Python, and provides a platform for you to understand how Python is useful to make time consuming and repetitive business tasks more efficient. Python is a mature high level language, has object-oriented programming features, powers various apps, has a huge set of modules, and great community support. Python is extremely easy to use, can help you get complex tasks done efficiently and is an apt choice for our needs.</p> <p>With a classic problem-solution based approach and real-world examples, you will delve into things that automate your business processes. You will begin by learning about the Python modules to work with Web, Worksheets, Presentations and PDFs. You’ll leverage Python recipes to automate processes in HR, Finance and making them efficient and reliable. For instance, company payroll — an integral process in HR will be automated with Python recipes.</p> <p>A few chapters of this book will also help you gain knowledge on working with bots and computer vision. You will learn how to build bots for automating business use cases by integrating artificial intelligence. You’ll also understand how Python is helpful in face detection and building a scanner of your own. You will see how to effectively and easily use Python code to manage SMS and voice notifications, opening a world of possibilities using cloud telephony to solve your business needs. Moving forward, you will learn to work with APIs, Webhooks and Emails to automate Marketing and Customer Support processes. Finally, using the various Python libraries, this book will arm you with knowledge to customize data solutions and generate reports to meet your business needs.</p> <p>This book will help you up-skill and make your business processes efficient with the various Python recipes covered in this book.</p>
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Automate it!
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Working with third-party REST APIs

Now that we've covered ground on scraping, crawling, and parsing, it's time for another interesting work that we can do with Python, which is working with third-party APIs. I'd assume many of us are aware and might have a basic understanding of REST API. So, let's get started!

Getting ready

To demonstrate the understanding, we take the case of GitHub gists. Gists in GitHub are the best way to share your work, a small code snippet that helps your colleague or a small app with multiple files that gives an understanding of a concept. GitHub allows the creation, listing, deleting, and updating of gists, and it presents a classical case of working with GitHub REST APIs.

So, in this section, we use our very own requests module to make HTTP requests to GitHub REST API to create, update, list, or delete gists.

The following steps will show you how to work with GitHub REST APIs using Python.

How to do it...

  1. To work with GitHub REST APIs, we need to create a Personal access token. For doing that, log in to and browse to  and click on Generate new  token:

  2. You'll now be taken to the New personal access token page. Enter a description at the top of the page and check the gists option among the scopes given out. Note that scope represents the access for your token. For instance, if you just select gists, you can use GitHub APIs to work on the gists resource but not on other resources such as repo or users. For this recipe, the gists scope is just what we need:

  3. Once you click on Generate token, you'd be presented with a screen containing your personal access token. Keep this token confidential with you.

  4. With the access token available, let's start working with APIs and create a new gist. With create, we add a new resource, and for doing this, we make an HTTP POST request on GitHub APIs, such as in the following code:

            import requests
            import json
            BASE_URL = ''
            Link_URL = ''
            username = '<username>' ## Fill in your github username
            api_token = '<api_token>'  ## Fill in your token
            header = {  'X-Github-Username': '%s' % username,
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                        'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token,
            url = "/gists" 
            data ={
              "description": "the description for this gist",
              "public": True,
              "files": { 
                "file1.txt": { 
                  "content": "String file contents" 
            r ='%s%s' % (BASE_URL, url), 
           print r.json()['url']

  5. If I now go to my gists page on GitHub, I should see the newly created gist. And voila, it's available!

  6. Hey, we were successful in creating the gist with the GitHub APIs. That's cool, but can we now view this gist? In the preceding example, we also printed the URL of the newly created gist. It will be in the format,<username>/<gist_id>. We now use this gist_id to get the details of the gist, which means we make a HTTP GET request on the gist_id:

            import requests
            import json
            BASE_URL = ''
            Link_URL =
            username = '<username>'
            api_token = '<api_token>'
            gist_id = '<gist id>' 
            header = { 'X-Github-Username': '%s' % username,
                       'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                       'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token,
            url = "/gists/%s" % gist_id
            r = requests.get('%s%s' % (BASE_URL, url),
            print r.json()

  7. We created a new gist with the HTTP POST request and got the details of the gist with the HTTP GET request in the previous steps. Now, let's update this gist with the HTTP PATCH request.


    Many third-party libraries choose to use the PUT request to update a resource, but HTTP PATCH can also be used for this operation, as chosen by GitHub.

  8. The following code demonstrates updating the gist:

            import requests
            import json
            BASE_URL = ''
            Link_URL = ''
            username = '<username>'
            api_token = '<api_token>'
            gist_id = '<gist_id>'
            header = { 'X-Github-Username': '%s' % username,
                       'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                       'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token,
            data = {   "description": "Updating the description
                       for this gist",
                       "files": {
                         "file1.txt": {
                           "content": "Updating file contents.."
            url = "/gists/%s" % gist_id
            r = requests.patch('%s%s' %(BASE_URL, url), 
            print r.json()

  9. Now, if I look at my GitHub login and browse to this gist, the contents of the gist have been updated. Awesome! Don't forget to see the Revisions in the screenshot--see it got updated to revision 2:

  10. Now comes the most destructive API operation--yes deleting the gist. GitHub provides an API for removing the gist by making use of the HTTP DELETE operation on its /gists/<gist_id> resource. The following code helps us delete the gist:

            import requests
            import json
            BASE_URL = ''
            Link_URL = ''
            username = '<username>'
            api_token = '<api_token>'
            gist_id = '<gist_id>'
            header = {  'X-Github-Username': '%s' % username,
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json', 
                        'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token,
            url = "/gists/%s" % gist_id 
            r = requests.delete('%s%s' %(BASE_URL, url),
                                headers=header, )

  11. Let's quickly find out if the gist is now available on the GitHub website? We can do that by browsing the gist URL on any web browser. And what does the browser say? It says 404 resource not found, so we have successfully deleted the gist! Refer to the following screenshot:

  12. Finally, let's list all the gists in your account. For this we make an HTTP GET API call on the /users/<username>/gists resource:

        import requests

        BASE_URL = ''
        Link_URL = ''

        username = '<username>'      ## Fill in your github username 
        api_token = '<api_token>'  ## Fill in your token

        header = {  'X-Github-Username': '%s' % username, 
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token,
        url = "/users/%s/gists" % username
        r = requests.get('%s%s' % (BASE_URL, url),
        gists = r.json()
        for gist in gists:
            data = gist['files'].values()[0]
            print data['filename'],
            data['raw_url'], data['language']

The output of the preceding code for my account is as follows:

How it works...

Python's requests module helps in making HTTP GET/POST/PUT/PATCH and DELETE API calls on GitHub's resources. These operations, also known as HTTP verbs in the REST terminology, are responsible for taking certain actions on the URL resources.

As we saw in the examples, the HTTP GET request helps in listing the gists, POST creates a new gist, PATCH updates a gist, and DELETE completely removes the gist. Thus, in this recipe, you learnt how to work with third-party REST APIs--an essential part of WWW today--using Python.

See also

There are many third-party applications that are written as REST APIs. You may want to try them out the same way we did for GitHub. For example, both Twitter and Facebook have great APIs and the documents are also easy to understand and use. Of course, they do have Python bindings.