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Instant Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 Customization with .NET

By : Tom Nelson
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Instant Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 Customization with .NET

By: Tom Nelson

Overview of this book

<p>AutoCAD's .NET API can be used to create small but powerful applications that help CAD users achieve productivity gains and improve quality. CAD users can accelerate drafting and design processes, improve drawing accuracy, minimize time spent on repetitive or demanding tasks, and reduce errors. In short, users can deliver better drawings faster with customized CAD tools.</p> <p>Learn how to use AutoCAD's .NET API to create your own high-powered, custom applications for AutoCAD. This book is a toolbox of small projects for handling common AutoCAD tasks. You can add to these recipes to develop your own specialized AutoCAD program library. Clear, step-by-step instructions and complete code examples illustrate the process, making it easy to develop your own custom AutoCAD tools.</p> <p><br />Giving you the building blocks of AutoCAD application development, you&rsquo;ll learn to create compact user interfaces for your AutoCAD plugins and add command buttons to the ribbon interface. Next, you&rsquo;ll create programs to insert and modify AutoCAD block and attribute references, as well as working with custom data stored on AutoCAD objects. Learn how to publish layouts from external drawings in multi-sheet PDF files, export AutoCAD data to MS Excel for processing, and respond to AutoCAD event notifications (such as when an object is selected). With the tools presented in this book, you can develop and implement new functionality to address your specialized business needs.</p>
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Customizing the user interface (Should know)

Using the .NET API, we'll add a custom button to the AutoCAD ribbon interface. At this point, I've grown tired of typing NETLOAD every time I want to load a .NET assembly. Instead, I want to define a custom button on the ribbon that I can click on and execute the NETLOAD command.

Getting ready

There are two common approaches to customizing the AutoCAD ribbon. One involves creating a partial CUIX file, and the other uses the .NET API to modify the ribbon at runtime. This being a book about the AutoCAD .NET API, we will focus on the latter.

How to do it...

  1. First, let's designate ID_CUSTOMCMDS as the internal name for our custom ribbon tab, and add some methods for adding and removing the custom tab. In this example, our tab will contain a panel which holds a single custom button. The button will include a two-level tooltip:

    using System;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows;
    using Autodesk.Windows;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    // This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performances
    [assembly: CommandClass(typeof(Ch9AcadPlugin.MyCommands))]
    namespace Ch9AcadPlugin {
       public class MyCommands {
          //Declare the custom tab name here
          private const String TAB_ID = "ID_CUSTOMCMDS";
          public void delRibbon() {
             Autodesk.Windows.RibbonControl rbnCtrl =
             //Check for the custom ribbon tab and delete
             for (int i = 0; i < rbnCtrl.Tabs.Count; i++) {
                if (rbnCtrl.Tabs[i].Id.Equals(TAB_ID)) {
          //Add the custom ribbon tab and panel
          public void addRibbon() {
             Autodesk.Windows.RibbonControl rbnCtrl = 
             //Add custom ribbon tab
             RibbonTab rbnTab = new RibbonTab();
             rbnTab.Title = "Custom commands";
             rbnTab.Id = TAB_ID;
             //Add custom ribbon panel
             //Set the custom ribbon tab active
             rbnTab.IsActive = true;
  2. Next, we'll add the ribbon panel, button, and tooltip, in that order. Label the panel Custom commands:

          //Add the custom ribbon panel, button, and tooltip
          //for the built-in NETLOAD command
          private void addRbnPnl(RibbonTab rbnTab) {
             //Add ribbon panel source
             Autodesk.Windows.RibbonPanelSource rbnPnlSrc = 
                new RibbonPanelSource();
             rbnPnlSrc.Title = "Custom commands";
             //Add custom ribbon panel
             RibbonPanel rbnPnl = new RibbonPanel();
             rbnPnl.Source = rbnPnlSrc;
  3. Add a button to the panel. Label the button to read NETLOAD, and set the CommandParameter property to NETLOAD as well:

             //Add custom ribbon button
             Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton rbnBtn = 
                new RibbonButton();
             rbnBtn.Text = "NETLOAD";
             rbnBtn.CommandParameter = "NETLOAD ";
             rbnBtn.ShowText = true;
             rbnBtn.CommandHandler = new AdskCommandHandler();
  4. Add an expanded tooltip to the button. This tooltip has two levels of content. One which displays immediately when you hover with the cursor, and one which displays after a brief delay:

             //Add custom ribbon tooltip
             Autodesk.Windows.RibbonToolTip rbnTT = 
                new RibbonToolTip();
             rbnTT.Command = "NETLOAD";
             rbnTT.Title = "Load a .NET assembly";
             rbnTT.Content = 
                "Command to load a .NET assembly in AutoCAD";
             rbnTT.ExpandedContent = 
                "In the dialog box, navigate to the .NET assembly you 
                want to load and select it.";
             rbnBtn.ToolTip = rbnTT;
  5. Now add a method to register the assembly, so the custom button persists the next time you start AutoCAD:

    //Register the assembly
    public void AppReg() {
       //AutoCAD registry key
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regKeyAcad = 
       //AutoCAD Application key
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regKeyAcadApp = 
          regKeyAcad.OpenSubKey("Applications", true);
       //Check whether app is registered
       string appName = 
       String[] subKeys = regKeyAcadApp.GetSubKeyNames();
       foreach (String subKey in subKeys) {
          if (subKey.Equals(appName)) {
       //Get app location and full name
       string appPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.
       string appFullName = System.Reflection.Assembly.
       //Add registry key for addin
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regKeyAddin = 
       regKeyAddin.SetValue("DESCRIPTION", appFullName, 
    	regKeyAddin.SetValue("LOADCTRLS", 14, 
       regKeyAddin.SetValue("LOADER", appPath, 
       regKeyAddin.SetValue("MANAGED", 1, 
  6. Likewise, add a method to unregister the assembly. Make this one a command method, to allow us to unregister it from the command line:

    //Command to unregister the assembly
    public void AppUnreg() {
       //AutoCAD registry key
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey acadKey = 
       //AutoCAD Application key
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey acadAppKey = 
           acadKey.OpenSubKey("Applications", true);
       //Delete registry key
       string appName = System.Reflection.Assembly.
  7. Add a handler to execute a command when the button is clicked:

    public class AdskCommandHandler : System.Windows.Input.ICommand {
       public bool CanExecute(object parameter) {
          return true;
       public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
       public void Execute(object parameter) {
          RibbonButton rbnBtn = parameter as RibbonButton;
          if (rbnBtn != null) {
          //Execute command specified in ribbon button parameter
                true, false, true);
  8. Finally, add an event handler to notify us when the ribbon becomes initialized, so we can add our custom tab:

    using System;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
    using Autodesk.Windows;
    // This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performances
    [assembly: ExtensionApplication(typeof(Ch9AcadPlugin.MyPlugin))]
    namespace Ch9AcadPlugin {
       public class MyPlugin : IExtensionApplication {
          void IExtensionApplication.Initialize() {
             if (Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.Ribbon == null) {
                //Load custom ribbon on startup. Register
                //ItemInitialized event for when ribbon becomes
                Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.ItemInitialized += 
                   new EventHandler<RibbonItemEventArgs>
             else {
                //If ribbon control is available, add custom ribbon
                MyCommands MyCmds = new MyCommands();
          void ComponentManager_ItemInitialized(object sender, 
             RibbonItemEventArgs e) {
             //Is ribbon available?
             if (Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.Ribbon != null) {
                //If so, add custom ribbon
                MyCommands MyCmds = new MyCommands(); 
                //Delete ItemInitialized event handler – 
                //no longer needed
                Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.ItemInitialized -= 
                   new EventHandler<RibbonItemEventArgs>
          void IExtensionApplication.Terminate() {
             // Do plug-in application clean up here

How it works...

We first check to see whether the AutoCAD ribbon has been initialized before adding our custom tab, button, and so on. We then define a custom tab, panel, button, and tooltip. Then, when the user clicks the button, a handler executes the command that we specified in the button's CommandParameter property.