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Machine Learning with AWS

By : Jeffrey Jackovich, Ruze Richards
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Machine Learning with AWS

By: Jeffrey Jackovich, Ruze Richards

Overview of this book

<p>Machine Learning with AWS is the right place to start if you are a beginner interested in learning useful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning skills using Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most popular and powerful cloud platform. You will learn how to use AWS to transform your projects into apps that work at high speed and are highly scalable. From natural language processing (NLP) applications, such as language translation and understanding news articles and other text sources, to creating chatbots with both voice and text interfaces, you will learn all that there is to know about using AWS to your advantage. You will also understand how to process huge numbers of images fast and create machine learning models.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills you need to efficiently use AWS in your machine learning and artificial intelligence projects.</p>
Table of Contents (9 chapters)
Machine Learning with AWS

Chapter 3: Perform Topic Modeling and Theme Extraction

Activity 4: Perform Topic modeling on a set of documents with unknown topics

  1. Navigate to following link for obtaining the text data file that contain negative review comments

  2. Navigate to S3:

  3. Click the bucket for the "input-for-topic-modeling".

    Figure 3.43: S3 home screen for 'input-for-topic-modeling'

  4. Click Create folder.

    Figure 3.44: Click Create folder

  5. Type "negative_movie_review_files", and click Save.

    Figure 3.45: Click Save


    For this step, you may either follow along the exercise and type in the code or obtain it from the source code folder and paste it into the editor. The source code is available via GitHub in the following repository:

  6. Firstly, you will import the os and boto3 packages using the following comment

    import os
    import boto3
  7. Next, type in your unique bucket name.

    BUCKET_NAME = '<insert a unique bucket name>' 
    BUCKET_FOLDER = 'negative_movie_review_files/' 
  8. Next, get the working directory of the local path to the text files:

    LOCAL_PATH = os.getcwd() +'\\local_folder__negative_movie_review_files\\'
  9. Create a list of all text files:

    text_files_list = [f for f in os.listdir(LOCAL_PATH) if f.endswith('.txt')]
  10. Iterate on all files, and upload each to s3:

    for filename in text_files_list:
        s3.upload_file(LOCAL_PATH + filename, BUCKET_NAME, BUCKET_FOLDER + filename)
  11. Next, in your command prompt, navigate into to the "activity__topic_modeling_on_documents" directory and execute the code with the following: python

  12. The result is 1000 text files uploaded to the S3 negative_movie_review_files folder. See below for the top S3 output (see below):

    Figure 3.47: negative_movie_review_files in S3

  13. Next, navigate to AWS Comprehend. Click the comprehend link:

    Figure 3.48: Amazon Comprehend home screen

  14. Now, click on the Organization.

    Figure 3.49: Select Organization

  15. Now, click on the Create job.

    Figure 3.50: Click Create job

  16. Now, type "unknown_topic_structure_job" in the Name input field.

    Figure 3.51: Enter 'unknown_topic_strucutre_job'

  17. Now, scroll down to the Choose input data section, and click Search.

    Figure 3.52: Select Search button

  18. Click the arrow next to bucket you selected to input files for topic modeling ("aws-ml-input-for-topic-modeling").

    Figure 3.53: Expand S3 bucket sub-folders

  19. Click the circle next to the "negative_movie_review_files" folder.

    Figure 3.54: Select the negative_movie_review_files folder

  20. Now, click Select to choose the file.

    Figure 3.55: Click the Select button

  21. You will be redirected to the Amazon Comprehend main page. Select "One document per file" selection from the Input format drop down.

    Figure 3.56: Select One document per file option

  22. Next, enter 40 in the Number of topics input field.

    Figure 3.57: Enter 40 topics

  23. Scroll down to the Choose output location, and click Search

    Figure 3.58: Click Search

  24. Select the output bucket you uniquely named for the topic modeling output.

    Figure 3.59: Select the S3 bucket for the topic modeling outtput

  25. Click on the Select button.

    Figure 3.60: Confirm by clicking the Select button

  26. Click the dropdown and select the "AmazonComprehendServiceRole-myTopicModeingRole" IAM role.

    Figure 3.61: Select the existing IAM role

  27. Click on Create job button.

    Figure 3.62: Click Create job

  28. The topic modeling job status will first display "Submitted."

    Figure 3.63: Status 'Submitted"

  29. The topic modeling job status will next display "In progress". The topic modeling job duration is about 6 minutes.

    Figure 3.64: "In progress" status

  30. When the status changes to "Completed." Click the "unknown_topic_structure_job" link.

    Figure 3.65: Select the hyperlinked topic modeling link

  31. Scroll down and click the topic modeling output hyperlink (*yours will display a different unique topic modeling job alphanumeric character string).

    Figure 3.66: Click the topic modeling output S3 location

  32. You will be directed to the S3 output folder for the topic modeling job. Click the hyperlinked folder.

    Figure 3.67: Hyperlinked folder location

  33. Click the output folder.

    Figure 3.68: Click output

  34. Click the output.tar.gz file.

    Figure 3.69: Click output.tar.gz file

  35. Click on Download as.

    Figure 3.70: Click Download as

  36. Right-click the output.tar.gz file and click Save link as…

    Figure 3.71: Select Save link as...

  37. Select the Desktop and click Save.

    Figure 3.72: Click Save

  38. Navigate to the Desktop. Right-click the output.tar.gz file and select Extract Here. Right-click the output.tar file and select Extract Here

    Figure 3.73: Select Extract Here

  39. The result is two CSV files: doc-topics.csv and topic-terms.csv. Click and download the topic modeling output.

    For Reference the extracted CSV files are available via the following GitHub directory:


    For this step, you may either follow along the exercise and type in the code or obtain it from the source code folder in the file and paste it into an editor. For reference, the source code is available via GitHub in the following repository:

  40. Firstly, we will Import boto3

    import boto3
  41. Next, import pandas

    import pandas as pd 
  42. Create the S3 client object.

    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
  43. Next, create a unique name for the s3 bucket to store your source CSV files. Here, the selected "unknown-tm-analysis" but you will need to create a unique name.

    bucket_name = '<insert a unique bucket name>' #  
  44. Next, create a new bucket.

  45. Create a list of the CSV file names to import.

    filenames_list = ['doc-topics.csv', 'topic-terms.csv']
  46. Iterate on each file to upload to S3

    for filename in filenames_list:
        s3.upload_file(filename, bucket_name, filename)
  47. Next, check if the filename is 'doc-topics.csv'

        if filename == 'doc-topics.csv':
  48. Now, get the doc-topics.csv file object and assign it to the 'obj' variable.

    obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=filename)
  49. Next, read the csv obj and assign it to the doc_topics variable.

            doc_topics = pd.read_csv(obj['Body'])
            obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=filename)
            topic_terms = pd.read_csv(obj['Body'])
  50. Merge files on topic column to obtain the most common terms per document.

    merged_df = pd.merge(doc_topics, topic_terms, on='topic')
  51. Print the merged_df to the console

  52. Next, navigate to the location of the CSV's in a command prompt, and execute the code with the following command:

  53. The console output is a merged dataframe that provides the docnames with their respective terms and the term's weights (see below):

    Figure 3.74: Activity merged topic modeling output