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Power Query Cookbook

By : Andrea Janicijevic
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Power Query Cookbook

By: Andrea Janicijevic

Overview of this book

Power Query is a data preparation tool that enables data engineers and business users to connect, reshape, enrich, and transform their data to facilitate relevant business insights and analysis. With Power Query's wide range of features, you can perform no-code transformations and complex M code functions at the same time to get the most out of your data. This Power Query book will help you to connect to data sources, achieve intuitive transformations, and get to grips with preparation practices. Starting with a general overview of Power Query and what it can do, the book advances to cover more complex topics such as M code and performance optimization. You'll learn how to extend these capabilities by gradually stepping away from the Power Query GUI and into the M programming language. Additionally, the book also shows you how to use Power Query Online within Power BI Dataflows. By the end of the book, you'll be able to leverage your source data, understand your data better, and enrich it with a full stack of no-code and custom features that you'll learn to design by yourself for your business requirements.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)

Chapter 5: Combining Queries for Efficiency

Business analysts need to perform complex transformations that usually involve a combination of multiple queries. They often need to join data horizontally or to append tables.

With different ways of combining data, you can transform and model tables in order to optimize the information included. By leveraging different methods, you can perform merge and join transformations in order to enrich data or append and combine queries to scale and increase data volume automatically. The main aim is to create queries with relevant data that can serve different purposes, such as reporting, loading to Dataverse through Power Apps, or loading to Azure Data Lake to make this data available for other applications.

In this chapter, you will explore the following combining options within Power Query:

  • Merging queries
  • Joining methods
  • Appending queries
  • Combining multiple files
  • Using the Query Dependencies view