Defining a deepfake
A deepfake (sometimes deep fake) is an application of deep learning to images, sound, video, and other forms of generally non-textual information to make one thing look or sound like something else. The idea is to deceive someone into thinking a thing is something that it’s not.
This chapter doesn’t mean to imply that the use of deepfakes will always deceive others in a bad way. For example, it’s perfectly acceptable to take a family picture, then put it through an autoencoder or a GAN and make it look like a Renoir painting. In fact, some deepfakes are amusing or even educational. The point at which a deepfake becomes a problem is when it’s used to bypass security or perform other seemingly impossible tasks. In a court of law, a deepfake video could convince a jury to convict someone who is innocent. Throughout the following sections, you will learn more about deepfakes from an ML security perspective.
Identifying deepfakes