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Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition

By : Osvaldo Martin
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Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition

By: Osvaldo Martin

Overview of this book

The third edition of Bayesian Analysis with Python serves as an introduction to the main concepts of applied Bayesian modeling using PyMC, a state-of-the-art probabilistic programming library, and other libraries that support and facilitate modeling like ArviZ, for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models; Bambi, for flexible and easy hierarchical linear modeling; PreliZ, for prior elicitation; PyMC-BART, for flexible non-parametric regression; and Kulprit, for variable selection. In this updated edition, a brief and conceptual introduction to probability theory enhances your learning journey by introducing new topics like Bayesian additive regression trees (BART), featuring updated examples. Refined explanations, informed by feedback and experience from previous editions, underscore the book's emphasis on Bayesian statistics. You will explore various models, including hierarchical models, generalized linear models for regression and classification, mixture models, Gaussian processes, and BART, using synthetic and real datasets. By the end of this book, you will possess a functional understanding of probabilistic modeling, enabling you to design and implement Bayesian models for your data science challenges. You'll be well-prepared to delve into more advanced material or specialized statistical modeling if the need arises.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
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Bayesian statistics has been developing for more than 250 years. During this time, it has enjoyed as much recognition and appreciation as it has faced disdain and contempt. Throughout the last few decades, it has gained more and more attention from people in statistics and almost all the other sciences, engineering, and even outside the boundaries of the academic world. This revival has been possible due to theoretical and computational advancements developed mostly throughout the second half of the 20th century. Indeed, modern Bayesian statistics is mostly computational statistics. The necessity for flexible and transparent models and a more intuitive interpretation of statistical models and analysis has only contributed to the trend.

In this book, our focus will be on a practical approach to Bayesian statistics and we will not delve into discussions about the frequentist approach or its connection to Bayesian statistics. This decision is made to maintain a clear and concise focus on the subject matter. If you are interested in that perspective, Doing Bayesian Data Analysis may be the book for you [Kruschke2014]. We also avoid philosophical discussions, not because they are not interesting or relevant, but because this book aims to be a practical guide to Bayesian data analysis. One good reading for such discussion is Clayton [2021].

We follow a modeling approach to statistics. We will learn how to think in terms of probabilistic models and apply Bayes’ theorem to derive the logical consequences of our models and data. The approach will also be computational; models will be coded using PyMC [Abril-Pla et al.2023] and Bambi [Capretto et al.2022]. These are libraries for Bayesian statistics that hide most of the mathematical details and computations from the user. We will then use ArviZ [Kumar et al.2019], a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models, to better understand our results. We will also be assisted by other libraries in the Python ecosystem, including PreliZ [Icazatti et al.2023] for prior elicitation, Kulprit for variable selection, and PyMC-BART [Quiroga et al.2022] for flexible regression. And of course, we will also use common tools from the standard Python Data stack, like NumPy [Harris et al.2020], matplotlib [Hunter2007], Pandas [Wes McKinney2010], etc.

Bayesian methods are theoretically grounded in probability theory, and so it’s no wonder that many books about Bayesian statistics is full of mathematical formulas requiring a certain level of mathematical sophistication. Learning the mathematical foundations of statistics will certainly help you build better models and gain intuition about problems, models, and results. Nevertheless, libraries such as PyMC allow us to learn and do Bayesian statistics with only a modest amount of mathematical knowledge, as you will be able to verify yourself throughout this book.

Who this book is for

If you are a student, data scientist, researcher in the natural or social sciences, or developer looking to get started with Bayesian data analysis and probabilistic programming, this book is for you. The book is introductory, so no previous statistical knowledge is required. However, the book assumes you have experience with Python and familiarity with libraries like NumPy and matplotlib.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Thinking Probabilistically, covers the basic concepts of Bayesian statistics and its implications for data analysis. This chapter contains most of the foundational ideas used in the rest of the book.

Chapter 2, Programming Probabilistically, revisits the concepts from the previous chapter from a more computational perspective. The PyMC probabilistic programming library and ArviZ, a Python library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models are introduced.

Chapter 3, Hierarchical Models, illustrates the core ideas of hierarchical models through examples.

Chapter 4, Modeling with Lines, covers the basic elements of linear regression, a very widely used model and the building block of more complex models, and then moves into generalizing linear models to solve many data analysis problems.

Chapter 5, Comparing Models, discusses how to compare and select models using posterior predictive checks, LOO, and Bayes factors. The general caveats of these methods are discussed and model averaging is also illustrated.

Chapter 6, Modeling with Bambi, introduces Bambi, a Bayesian library built on top of PyMC that simplifies working with generalized linear models. In this chapter, we will also discuss variable selection and new models like splines.

Chapter 7, Mixture Models, discusses how to add flexibility to models by mixing simpler distributions to build more complex ones. The first non-parametric model in the book is also introduced: the Dirichlet process.

Chapter 8, Gaussian Processes, covers the basic idea behind Gaussian processes and how to use them to build non-parametric models over functions for a wide array of problems.

Chapter 9, Bayesian Additive Regression Trees, introduces readers to a flexible regression model that combines decision trees and Bayesian modeling techniques. The chapter will cover the key features of BART, including its flexibility in capturing non-linear relationships between predictors and outcomes and how it can be used for variable selection.

Chapter 10, Inference Engines, provides an introduction to methods for numerically approximating the posterior distribution, as well as a very important topic from the practitioner’s perspective: how to diagnose the reliability of the approximated posterior.

Chapter 11, Where to Go Next?, provides a list of resources to keep learning from beyond this book, and a concise farewell speech.

What’s new in this edition?

We have incorporated feedback from readers of the second edition to refine the text and the code in this third edition, to improve clarity and readability. We have also added new examples and new sections and removed some sections that in retrospect were not that useful.

In the second edition, we extensively use PyMC and ArviZ. In this new edition, we use the last available version of PyMC and ArviZ at the time of writing and we showcase some of its new features. This new edition also reflects how the PyMC ecosystem has bloomed in the last few years. We discuss 4 new libraries:

  • Bambi, a library for Bayesian regression models with a very simple interface. We have a dedicated chapter to it.

  • Kulprit, a very new library for variable selection built on top of Bambi. We show one example of how to use it and provide the intuition for the theory behind this package.

  • PreliZ is a library for prior elicitation. We use it from Chapter 1 and in many chapters after that.

  • PyMC-BART, a library that extends PyMC to support Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. We have a dedicated chapter to it.

The following list delineates the changes introduced in the third edition as compared to the second edition.

Chapter 1, Thinking Probabilistically We have added a new introduction to probability theory. This is something many readers asked for. The introduction is not meant to be a replacement for a proper course in probability theory, but it should be enough to get you started.

Chapter 2, Programming Probabilistically We discuss the Savage-Dickey density ratio (also discussed in Chapter 5). We explain the InferenceData object from ArviZ and how to use coords and dims with PyMC and ArviZ. We moved the section on hierarchical models to its own chapter, Chapter 3.

Chapter 3, Hierarchical Models We have promoted the discussion of hierarchical models to its dedicated chapter. We refine the discussion of hierarchical models and add a new example, for which we use a dataset from football European leagues.

Chapter 4, Modeling with Lines This chapter has been extensively rewritten. We use the Bikes dataset to introduce both simple linear regression and negative binomial regression. Generalized linear models (GLMs) are introduced early in this chapter (in the previous edition they were introduced in another chapter). This helps you to see the connection between linear regression and GLMs and allows us to introduce more advanced concepts in Chapter 6. We discuss the centered vs non-centered parametrization of linear models.

Chapter 5, Comparing Models We have cleaned the text to make it more clear and removed some bits that were not that useful after all. We now recommend the use of LOO over WAIC. We have added a discussion about the Savage-Dickey density ratio to compute Bayes factors.

Chapter 6, Modeling with Bambi We show you how to use Bambi, a high-level Bayesian model-building interface written in Python. We take advantage of the simple syntax offered by Bambi to expand what we learned in Chapter 4, including splines, distributional models, categorical models, and interactions. We also show how Bambi can help us to interpret complex linear models that otherwise can become confusing, error-prone, or just time-consuming. We close the chapter by discussing variable selection with Kulprit, a Python package that tightly integrates with Bambi.

Chapter 7, Mixture Models We have clarified some of the discussions based on feedback from readers. We also discuss Zero-Inflated and hurdle models and show how to use rootograms to evaluate the fit of discrete models.

Chapter 8, Gaussian Processes We have cleaned the text to make explanations clear and removed some of the boilerplate code and text for a more fluid reading. We also discuss how to define a kernel with a custom distance instead of the default Euclidean distance. We discuss the practical application of Hilbert Space Gaussian processes, a fast approximation to Gaussian processes.

Chapter 9, Bayesian Additive Regression Trees This is an entirely new chapter discussing BART models, a flexible and easy-to-use non-parametric Bayesian method.

Chapter 10, Inference Engines We have removed the discussion on variational inference as it is not used in the book. We have updated and expanded the discussion of trace plots, ^R, ESS, and MCSE. We also included a discussion on rank plots and a better example of divergences and centered vs non-centered parameterizations.

Installation instructions

The code in the book was written using Python version 3.11.6. To install Python and Python libraries, I recommend using Anaconda, a scientific computing distribution. You can read more about Anaconda and download it at This will install many useful Python packages on your system.

Additionally, you will need to install some packages. To do that, please use:

conda install -c conda-forge pymc==5.8.0 arviz==0.16.1 bambi==0.13.0
pymc-bart==0.5.2 kulprit==0.0.1 preliz==0.3.6 nutpie==0.9.1

You can also use pip if you prefer:

pip install pymc==5.8.0 arviz==0.16.1 bambi==0.13.0 pymc-bart==0.5.2
kulprit==0.0.1 preliz==0.3.6 nutpie==0.9.1

An alternative way to install the necessary packages once Anaconda is installed in your system is to go to and download the environment file named bap3.yml. With it, you can install all the necessary packages using the following command:

conda env create -f bap3.yml

The Python packages used to write this book are listed here:

  • ArviZ 0.16.1

  • Bambi 0.13.0

  • Kulprit 0.0.1

  • PreliZ 0.3.6

  • PyMC 5.8.0

  • PyMC-BART 0.5.2

  • Python 3.11.6

  • Notebook 7.0.6

  • Matplotlib 3.8.0

  • NumPy 1.24.4

  • Numba 0.58.1

  • Nutpie 0.9.1

  • SciPy 1.11.3

  • Pandas 2.1.2

  • Xarray 2023.10.1

How to run the code while reading

The code presented in each chapter assumes that you have imported at least some of these packages. Instead of copying and pasting the code from the book, I recommend downloading the code from and running it using Jupyter Notebook (or Jupyter Lab). Additionally, most figures in this book are generated using code that is present in the notebooks but not always shown in the book.

If you find a technical problem while running the code in this book, a typo in the text, or any other errors, please fill in the issue at and I will try to resolve it as soon as possible.

Conventions used

There are several text conventions used throughout this book.

code_in_text: Indicates code words in the text, filenames, or names of functions. Here is an example: ”Most of the preceding code is for plotting; the probabilistic part is performed by the y = stats.norm(mu, sd).pdf(x) line.”

A block of code is set as follows:

Code 1

μ = 0. 
σ = 1. 
X = pz.Normal(μ, σ) 
x = X.rvs(3)

Bold: Indicates a new term, or an important word.

Italics: Suggests a less rigorous or colloquial utilization of a term.

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General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, mention the book title in the subject of your message and email us at [email protected].

Errata: Although we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do happen. If you have found a mistake in this book, we would be grateful if you open an issue ticket at

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