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Learn Clip Studio Paint - Second Edition

By : Liz Staley
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Learn Clip Studio Paint - Second Edition

By: Liz Staley

Overview of this book

Clip Studio Paint, the successor to Manga Studio, is used by over four million illustrators and comic creators around the world. This book will guide you through every step of learning this software, from system requirements and installation, all the way through to exporting your work for print or the web. Learn how to create new documents, customize tools to fit your working style, use ruler tools to create anything from straight lines to intricate backgrounds, add 3D elements, create comic panels using the specialized panel tools, utilize screentones and materials, add text and word balloons to your comics, create sound effects, easily flat and color your comics using reference layers, and bring your drawings to life using the animation features. By the end of this book, you will be able to navigate the Clip Studio Interface and program preferences, customize the various tools, and be able to create your own black-and-white and color illustrations and comics from start to finish.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)

Exporting and loading brushes

Whether you simply want to have a backup copy of all your custom tools in case a catastrophe should happen, or you want to share your brushes with the world by giving them away or selling them, knowing how to export your tools is a great thing. It's an extremely simple process that can save your hard work in the future, or provide an income stream if you're particularly good at making specialty brushes! But before we get into making specialty brushes in Chapter 15, Inking Special Effects, let's learn how to export and load brushes to make backup copies of our tools. You can export and import any type of sub tool in Clip Studio Paint, not just brushes!

Exporting a tool

  1. Select a...