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wxPython Application Development Cookbook

By : Cody Precord
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wxPython Application Development Cookbook

By: Cody Precord

Overview of this book

wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language built on top of the cross-platform wxWidgets GUI libraries. wxPython provides a powerful set of tools that allow you to quickly and efficiently building applications that can run on a variety of different platforms. Since wxWidgets provides a wrapper around each platform’s native GUI toolkit, the applications built with wxPython will have a native look and feel wherever they are deployed. This book will provide you with the skills to build highly functional and native looking user interfaces for Python applications on multiple operating system environments. By working through the recipes, you will gain insights into and exposure to creating applications using wxPython. With a wide range of topics covered in the book, there are recipes to get the most basic of beginners started in GUI programming as well as tips to help experienced users get more out of their applications. The recipes will take you from the most basic application constructs all the way through to the deployment of complete applications.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
wxPython Application Development Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Understanding the hierarchy of the UI

There are certain rules and requirements to create a user interface; in its most fundamental form, the UI is just a collection of rectangles contained within other rectangles. This recipe will discuss how the hierarchy of controls is linked together.

How to do it…

You need to perform the following steps:

  1. Let's start by defining the top-level window that resides at the top of the hierarchy:

    class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
        def __init__(self, parent, title=""):
            super(MyFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title)
            self.panel = MyPanel(self)
  2. Next, let's define the Panel class, which will serve as the general container for user controls and give it a child control through the following code:

    class MyPanel(wx.Panel):
        def __init__(self, parent):
            super(MyPanel, self).__init__(parent)
            self.button = wx.Button(self, label="Push Me")

How it works…

All controls have an argument for a parent in their constructor. The parent is the container that the child control belongs to; so, in the first snippet when the MyPanel object was created, it was passed into the Frame object as its parent. This caused the panel rectangle to be placed inside of the rectangle of the Frame object. Then again, inside of the MyPanel object, a Button object was created with Panel as the parent, which instructed the button rectangle to be positioned inside the area owned by Panel.

There are three layers of containment in the window hierarchy for different categories of control types:

  • Top-level Windows (Frames and Dialogs): These cannot be contained by any type of container when displayed on screen. They are always at the top of the visual hierarchy.

  • General Containers (Panels, Notebooks, and so on): These are general container windows that serve the purpose of grouping other controls together and providing layout. They can contain other general containers or controls.

  • Controls (Buttons, CheckBoxes, ComboBoxes, and so on): These are user controls that cannot contain any other controls. They are the leaves at the bottom of the tree.

There's more…

When building an application with a user interface, this hierarchy is important to remember as it plays a critical role in how the layout and design of the interface is performed. Most notably, in the middle general containers layer, the nesting and composition of the control layout in combination with event handling can lead to unexpected issues if this hierarchy is forgotten. So, just remember this tree structure when building out your application's interface:

See also

  • The Controlling the propagation of events recipe in this chapter explains the way this hierarchy affects how events are reported.