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D3.js By Example

By : Michael Heydt
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D3.js By Example

By: Michael Heydt

Overview of this book

<p>This book will take you through all the concepts of D3.js starting with the most basic ones and progressively building on them in each chapter to expand your knowledge of D3.js.</p> <p>Starting with obtaining D3.js and creating simple data bindings to non-graphical HTML elements, you will then master the creation of graphical elements from data. You’ll discover how to combine those elements into simple visualizations such as bar, line, and scatter charts, as well as more elaborate visualizations such as network diagrams, Sankey diagrams, maps, and choreopleths.</p> <p>Using practical examples provided, you will quickly get to grips with the features of D3.js and use this learning to create your own spectacular data visualizations with D3.js.</p>
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
D3.js By Example
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Using Data and Scales

Spicing up a globe

Although this globe is quite impressive for the amount of code used to create it, it feels a little dull. Let's differentiate the countries a little more, and also add the lines of latitude and longitude.

Coloring the countries on a globe

We can color the countries on the globe using a d3.scale.category20() color scale. But we can't simply rotate through the colors, as there will be cases where adjacent countries will be filled with the same color.

To avoid this, we will take advantage of another function of TopoJSON, topojson.neighbors(). This function will return, given a set of geometries (like the countries), a data structure that identifies which geometries are adjacent to each other. We can then utilize this data to prevent the potential problem with colors.

The process is demonstrated in the following example:


bl.ock (12.12):

The projection in this example remains the same. The remainder of the code is changed.

We start by using the same projection...