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Building Websites with XOOPS : A step-by-step tutorial

By : Steve Atwal
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Building Websites with XOOPS : A step-by-step tutorial

By: Steve Atwal

Overview of this book

<p class="MsoNormal">XOOPS is an open source web content management system, written in PHP. It allows administrators to easily create dynamic websites with great content and many outstanding features. It is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. It has a large, enthusiastic, and helpful community of users.<br /><o:p><br /></o:p>If you want to create a powerful, fully-featured website in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore XOOPS, putting you in the picture of what it offers, and how to go about building a site with the system.<o:p></o:p><br />You will be introduced to the main components of XOOPS, and learn how to manage them. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content on the site, and also understand how users interact with the site. As you find your way round, your own ideas for what you need in your new website begin to crystallize around what you can see of the capabilities and flexibility of XOOPS.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">To make sure that you create the site that looks the way you want, the book covers working with themes to help define your look for your pages. A case study of developing an example Intranet rounds off the book.<o:p></o:p></p>
Table of Contents (12 chapters)


If you take a quick look at the popular "try before you use" website (where you can test-drive a CMS before you install it to manage your own website), you will notice that many open-source content management systems exist. It is interesting to know what sets XOOPS apart from the others. Let us first see what other CMS software is available that is comparable to XOOPS. The following table illustrates this:










XOOPS is comparable with these systems, but the combination of ease of use and the number of applications or plug-in modules available for it make it a compelling choice. In addition, XOOPS provides a complete development API (Application Programming Interface) for anyone wanting to extend the functionality of the base system. XOOPS has multi-language support, site-wide search, and built-in support for banner advertising. There are even some e-commerce modules available if you wish to create an online store.

There are some really good reasons to use XOOPS, such as:

  • Ease of installation. The web-based installation is quick and painless.

  • Simple web-based administration of users and the website interface.

  • Multiple output formats, such as RSS feeds, which allow users to check for new content on your site without having to open up a web browser.

  • Workflow is supported by modules that have a submit, review, and approve process.

  • Enterprise-level user authentication is supported using LDAP.

Want to take your corporate data online? Want to start a business online? Want to share your family photos with relatives scattered around the world? Want to share information on your hobbies? Want to collaborate on projects with other like-minded people but they are too far away for you to meet in person?

XOOPS allows you to do all of the above, and much more. If you are willing to learn to program using PHP, then what you can do with XOOPS is limited only by your imagination. However, you do not need to know PHP in order to manage your web content; but a little knowledge of HTML would be handy.

Is XOOPS right for you? There are many CMS and blogging systems that are freely available. What you need to consider is the purpose of your website. XOOPS is for you if you want:

  • A portal, a collaboration and feedback website, static and dynamic information sharing.

  • Plug-in features, such as an upload/download area, a calendar, a polling area for feedback from users, and an image gallery.

  • Easy personalization of the website, to allow you to change the look and feel of the website without a lot of work.

  • Presentation of content of different types and technologies.

  • Subscription to information on your website using technologies such as RSS (Really Simply Syndication) that allows users to consolidate their information gathering needs in a central location without visiting your website.

  • Easy web-based methods of adding additional features and performing maintenance of older information.

Following are some example websites that use XOOPS. This shows the variety of content that can be served by XOOPS.

  • Geek Web Talk, USA: Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (

  • Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan: A bi-lingual campus with students from over 80 nations (

  • InBox International, Canada: Web-development services and value-added expertise (

  • The Wandering Quilter: A site dedicated to Bernina embroidery (

There are many others. To see more examples of websites built using XOOPS, navigate to:

and the forums at the official website of XOOPS: