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PhoneGap 3 Beginner's Guide

By : Giorgio Natili
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PhoneGap 3 Beginner's Guide

By: Giorgio Natili

Overview of this book

<p>You don’t have to know complex languages like Objective C to compete in the ever-growing mobile market place. The PhoneGap framework lets you use your web development skills to build HTML and JavaScript-based mobile applications with native wrappers that run on all the major mobile platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8.</p> <p>"PhoneGap 3 Beginner's Guide" will help you break into the world of mobile application development. You will learn how to set up and configure your mobile development environment, implement the most common features of modern mobile apps, and build rich, native-style applications. The examples in this book deal with real use case scenarios, which will help you develop your own apps, and then publish them on the most popular app stores.</p> <p>Dive deep into PhoneGap and refine your skills by learning how to build the main features of a real world app.</p> <p>"PhoneGap 3 Beginner's Guide" will guide you through the building blocks of a mobile application that lets users plan a trip and share their trip information. With the help of this app, you will learn how to work with key PhoneGap tools and APIs, extend the framework’s functionality with plug-ins, and integrate device features such as the camera, contacts, storage, and more. By the time you’re finished, you will have a solid understanding of the common challenges mobile app developers face, and you will know how to solve them.</p>
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
PhoneGap 3 Beginner's Guide
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Appendix A. Localizing Your App

In computing, internationalization and localization are means of adapting computer software to different languages, regional differences, and the technical requirements of a target market. The term localization refers to all the activities needed before your app can be deployed in different languages and according to local cultural conventions. Before starting to localize an app, you have to internationalize your code by removing any language and cultural dependencies and designing your code in order to be adapted to various languages without engineering changes. You can then localize your app, translate client-facing content and labels, and otherwise adapt it so that it works well in a particular locale. The term locale refers to a collection of settings or preferences to be used in localization. A locale is often described as a language and country pair such as en-US, de-AT, it-IT, and so on. The term globalization stands for the combination of internationalization and localization.

There are some odd-looking abbreviations in which a number is used to indicate the number of letters between the first and last letter used to refer to internationalization, localization, and globalization:

  • i18n stands for internationalization

  • l10n stands for localization

  • g11n stands for globalization

From a development point of view, the common practice is to place the text in resource strings that are loaded at the execution time depending on the user settings. There are several techniques you can use to globalize your app such as storing the translations in PO (portable object) files, creating a JSON object containing all of them, or loading the localization files dynamically when the app starts. The goal is to deploy an app able to select the relevant language resource file at runtime and to handle culture-aware number and date parsing and formatting, plurals, currencies, special characters, validation, and so on.


Software internationalization is a very huge topic because it covers plurals, dates, special characters, and so on. Discussing all of them is beyond the scope of this book. If you are interested in learning more about internationalization, take a look at the GNU project gettext (, the globalize project (, or the jed project ( For an overview of the most common challenges to address during the internationalization process, watch this great talk at

PhoneGap offers great support for localization through the Globalization API accessible through the globalization object. The globalization object is a child of the navigator object and therefore has global scope. Therefore, in order to access the globalization object, it's enough to type the following code snippet:

var globalization = navigator.globalization;

The globalization object exposes several asynchronous methods that have a similar signature. In fact, usually most methods accept an argument, a success and a failure handler, and optionally an options object:

globalization.methodName(argument, onSuccess, onError, options);

Not all the methods accept an argument and the option object; some of them accept only a success and a failure handler. The failure handler receives a GlobalizationError object as an argument. There are two properties defined on this object message and code. The first one contains a string describing the error details; the second one contains an integer equal to one of the following pseudo constants defined in the GlobalizationError object:

  • GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR (return value 0), a generic error occurred

  • GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR (return value 1), an error occurred during a formatting operation

  • GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR (return value 2), an error occurred during a parsing operation

  • GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR (return value 3), an error occurred recovering a currency, date or number pattern

The Globalization API exposes the following methods defined in the navigator.globalization object:

  • getPreferredLanguage , returns the string identifier for the device's current language; the string is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e. {value: 'English'}).

  • getLocaleName , returns the locale identifier according to the device's current language; the string is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: 'en'}).

  • dateToString , returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's locale and time zone; the method accepts a Date object as the first argument and an optional options object as the last argument:

    var globalization = navigator.globalization;
    var today = new Date();
    globalization.dateToString(today, onSuccess, onError);

    The returned result is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: '06/14/2013 12:49 PM'}).

  • stringToDate , parses a date formatted as a string, and depending on the device's preferences and calendar, returns the corresponding Date object as an argument in the success handler.

  • getDatePattern , returns an object received as an argument in the success handler containing:

    • A pattern string to format and parse dates according to the device's preferences

    • The time zone of the device

    • The difference in seconds between the device time zone and the universal time and the offset in seconds between the device's non-daylight saving's time zone

    • The client's daylight saving's time zone (i.e. {pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm', timezone: 'CEST', utc_offset: 3600, dst_offset: 3600})

    The method accepts an optional options object through which it's possible to specify the format length (i.e., short, medium, long, or full) and the data to be returned (i.e., date, time, or date and time).

  • getDateNames , returns an array of names of the months or days of the week depending on the device's settings; the array is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: Array[12]}).

  • isDayLightSavingsTime , returns a Boolean stating whether daylight saving time is in effect for a given Date object passed as the first argument using the device's time zone and calendar; the value is stored in the dst property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {dst: true}).

  • getFirstDayOfWeek, returns as a number the first day of the week depending on the device's user preferences and calendar, assuming that the days of the week are numbered starting from 1 ( = Sunday). The string is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: 1}).

  • numberToString, returns the number passed as the first argument formatted as a string according to the client's locale and preferences; the number is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: '12,456,246'}).

  • stringToNumber, returns the string passed as the first argument formatted as a number according to the client's locale and preferences; the number is stored in the value property of the object received as an argument in the success handler (i.e., {value: 1250.04}).

  • getNumberPattern, returns an object received as an argument in the success handler containing:

    • A pattern string to format and parse numbers according to the device's preferences

    • The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting numbers, the rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting, and so on (i.e., {decimal: '.', fraction: 0, grouping: ',', negative: '-', pattern: '#,##0.###', positive: '', rounding: 0, symbol: '.'}).

  • getCurrencyPattern , returns an object received as an argument in the success handler containing a pattern string to format and parse currencies according to the currency code passed as the first argument and the device's preferences; the number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting numbers, the rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting, the ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern, and so on (i.e., {code: 'EUR', decimal: '.', fraction: 2, grouping: ',', pattern: '$#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)', rounding: 0}).


Both the numberToString and stringToNumber methods accept an optional options object; through the type property of this object, you can specify the format of the number (i.e., decimal, percent, or currency).

Through the combination of the data provided by the methods of the globalization object, it's possible to handle very complex scenarios and provide a highly localized app to the end user. In the following example you will learn how to load different strings depending on the device settings using Require.js and its i18n plugin (both of them are available for download at