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OpenGL ES 3.0 Cookbook

By : Parminder Singh
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OpenGL ES 3.0 Cookbook

By: Parminder Singh

Overview of this book

<p>"Write once, use anywhere" is truly the power behind OpenGL ES and has made it an embedded industry standard. The library provides cutting-edge, easy-to-use features to build a wide range of applications in the gaming, simulation, augmented-reality, image-processing, and geospatial domains.</p> <p>The book starts by providing you with all the necessary OpenGL ES 3.0 setup guidelines on iOS and Android platforms. You'll go on to master the fundamentals of modern 3D graphics, such as drawing APIs, transformations, buffer objects, the model-view-project analogy, and much more. The book goes on to deal with advanced topics and offers a wide range of recipes on the light shading, real-time rendering techniques with static and procedure textures to create stunning visualizations and runtime effects.</p>
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
OpenGL ES 3.0 Cookbook
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Developing an Android OpenGL ES 3.0 application

This recipe uses the NDK and JNI knowledge from the previous recipe to develop our first Android OpenGL ES 3.0 application. We will use our source code for NativeTemplate.h/NativeTemplate.cpp that we programmed in the Programming OpenGL ES 3.0 Hello World Triangle recipe. This recipe uses the Android framework to provide the necessary services to host the OpenGL ES program in it.

Getting ready

For our first Android OpenGL ES 3.0 recipe, we advise you to locate the sample AndroidHelloWorldTriangle recipe with this chapter. It will be helpful to import the contents to quickly build the application. To import recipes, refer to the Opening a sample project in Android ADT and iOS recipe in Appendix, Supplementary Information on OpenGL ES 3.0.

How to do it...

Here is the step-by-step procedure to program our first OpenGL ES 3.0 application in Android:

  1. Create a blank activity project by going to New | Android Project. Provide a proper name for the application and project. For example, specify Application Name as AndroidBlueTriangle, Project Name as AndroidBlueTriangle, and specify Package Name as cookbookgles. The package name in Java is equivalent to the namespace concept in C/C++.

  2. On the last page, specify Activity Name as GLESActivity, Layout Name as activity_gles, and Navigation Type as None.

  3. In Package Explorer, browse to AndroidBlueTriangle | src | cookbook.gles. Here, you will find our GLESActivity class. Under the same package called cookbook.gles, add two new classes called GLESView and GLESNativeLib. In order to add a new class, right-click on the cookbookgles package in the package explorer and go to New | Class.

  4. Use the sample recipe AndroidBlueTriangle and copy/paste the contents of,, and to the respective files of your project. In the next section, you will better understand these files and the classes contained in them.

  5. Add a new folder called JNI under this project. Inside this folder, create,, NativeTemplate.h, and NativeTemplate.cpp. The native code makefile is used by the JNI, as discussed in the previous recipe. Use HelloWorldAndroid to copy the contents of these two files from source to their respective files.

  6. For OpenGL ES 3.0, must contain the -lEGL and -lGLESv3 flags in order to link with the EGL and OpenGL ES 3.0 libraries. Also, as we target Android devices running Android version 18 (Jelly Bean), the must contain the APP_PLATFORM:=android-18 platform.

  7. Open the command-line terminal and run ndk-build inside the jni folder. Under Eclipse, refresh Package Explorer so that the library created by ndk-build is updated in the project. Here is the rendering output upon execution:

How it works...

The first Android recipe for OpenGL ES 3.0 contains two OpenGL ES classes:

  • GLESActivity is an extended version of Activity. Activity is an application component that allows various types of views on the screen. Each activity has a window region, within which various type of views are rendered. For our requirements, we need a surface where we can render OpenGL ES. Therefore, the GLESActivity class is using GLESView for viewing purpose.

  • GLESView is our custom class that is extended from GLSurfaceView. It provides a surface for OpenGL ES rendering. It helps OpenGL ES know about various events, such as the status of activity, whether it is in active or sleep mode, whether it has changed its dimensions, and so on. GLSurfaceView provides some important class interfaces. Among them, the three most important ones are as follows:

    • GLSurfaceView.EGLConfigChooser: This class is responsible for choosing the correct EGL configuration, as per our requirements. Basically, an EGL is an interface between the OpenGL ES APIs and the rendering context. In order to use the correct rendering context, we should know the EGL configuration that suits our requirements. In this recipe, we have extended ConfigChooser from GLSurfaceView.EGLconfigChooser.

    • GLSurfaceView.EGLContextFactory: The rendering context is very much dependent on the device hardware configuration. OpenGL ES APIs do not know or care about creating the rendering context. Your local SDK provider is responsible for providing an interface to create it and attach it to your local application system. In Android, it is accomplished with the EGLContextFactory class. This requires EGL configuration. We have already seen how the EGLConfigChooser class gave us the correct EGL configuration, as per our requirement. You need to use this configuration to create your custom ContextFactory, which is the extended version of GLSurfaceView.EGLContextFactory in our recipe.

      To create OpenGL ES 3.0 context, use the eglCreateContext function. This function accepts an attribute list where the second item belongs to the OpenGL ES version, which must be 3.0. See the sample code give here for OpenGL ES 3.0 support:

      private static double glVersion = 3.0;
      int[] attrib_list = {EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, (int) glVersion, EGL10.EGL_NONE };
      EGLContext context = egl.eglCreateContext(display, eglConfig, EGL10.EGL_NO_CONTEXT,  attrib_list);
    • GLSurfaceView.Renderer: This provides the interface to manage OpenGL ES calls to render a frame. It calls the render function in loop.

  • NativeTemplate.cpp: This is the native code file that contains OpenGL ES commands responsible for rendering the blue triangle on screen.

When the Android OpenGL ES framework launches an activity, it first checks the available EGL configurations on device and chooses the one best suited to our requirements. This configuration is used to create OpenGL ES rendering context. Finally, rendering is performed by GLSurfaceRenderer, where it calls the native OpenGL ES code with the help of the GLESNativeLib class.

The OpenGL ES rendering source is coded in NativeTemplate.cpp, which is exposed to the Android framework via the static library. This library is compiled from the NDK using the ndk-build command and is automatically stored under the folder AndroidBlueTriangle | libs | armeabi |


After compilation of an NDK build, the library generated is prefixed with lib. If the name mentioned in is already prefixed with lib, then this prefixing is discarded.

There's more...

You can explore more about the official Android OpenGL ES and its framework classes at

See also

  • Refer to the Software requirements for OpenGL ES 3.0 – Android ADT recipe in Appendix, Supplementary Information on OpenGL ES 3.0

  • Using JNI on Android to communicate with C/C++