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Modern Computer Architecture and Organization

By : Jim Ledin
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Modern Computer Architecture and Organization

By: Jim Ledin

Overview of this book

Are you a software developer, systems designer, or computer architecture student looking for a methodical introduction to digital device architectures but overwhelmed by their complexity? This book will help you to learn how modern computer systems work, from the lowest level of transistor switching to the macro view of collaborating multiprocessor servers. You'll gain unique insights into the internal behavior of processors that execute the code developed in high-level languages and enable you to design more efficient and scalable software systems. The book will teach you the fundamentals of computer systems including transistors, logic gates, sequential logic, and instruction operations. You will learn details of modern processor architectures and instruction sets including x86, x64, ARM, and RISC-V. You will see how to implement a RISC-V processor in a low-cost FPGA board and how to write a quantum computing program and run it on an actual quantum computer. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of modern processor and computer architectures and the future directions these architectures are likely to take.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Section 1: Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
Section 2: Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets
Section 3: Applications of Computer Architecture

Memory subsystem

The Babbage Analytical Engine's design employed a collection of axes, each holding 40 decimal digit wheels, as the mechanism for storing data during computations. Reading data from an axis was a destructive operation, resulting in zeros on all of an axis's wheels after the read had completed.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, the preferred technology for digital computer memory was the magnetic core. One bit of core memory is stored in a small toroidal (donut-shaped) ceramic magnet. The cores making up a memory array are arranged in a rectangular grid with horizontal and vertical connecting wires. Writing to a bit location involves producing enough current in the wires connected to the bit location to flip the polarity of the core's magnetic field. A 0 bit might be defined as clockwise magnetic flux circulation within the core and a 1 bit as counterclockwise flux circulation.

Reading a bit from core memory consists of attempting to set the bit to the...