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Learning Cocos2d-x Game Development

By : Siddharth Shekar
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Learning Cocos2d-x Game Development

By: Siddharth Shekar

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Learning Cocos2d-x Game Development
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Creating the parallax scrolling layer

Next, all we have to do is include the ScrollingBgLayer class in HelloWorldScene.h.

In HelloWorldScene.h, add the ScrollingBg.h header file:

#include "ScrollingBgLayer.h"

Create a new variable of the ScrollingBgLayer type named scrollingBgLayer:

ScrollingBgLayer* scrollingBgLayer;

Next, in the HelloWorldScene.cpp file, initialize the variable in the init() function:

    scrollingBgLayer = new ScrollingBgLayer(3.0);

Here, we give 3.0 as the base speed. The respective speeds of the different objects will be based on this speed.

Next, call the update function of ScrollingBgLayer in the HelloWorldScenes update function:


Now if you build and run the project, you will see the background layer scrolling from right to left giving the feeling of motion to the scene.

This is how a scrolling background, also known as parallax layer, can be added to make the scene a little more dynamic than just static...