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Extreme C

By : Kamran Amini
5 (1)
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Extreme C

5 (1)
By: Kamran Amini

Overview of this book

There’s a lot more to C than knowing the language syntax. The industry looks for developers with a rigorous, scientific understanding of the principles and practices. Extreme C will teach you to use C’s advanced low-level power to write effective, efficient systems. This intensive, practical guide will help you become an expert C programmer. Building on your existing C knowledge, you will master preprocessor directives, macros, conditional compilation, pointers, and much more. You will gain new insight into algorithm design, functions, and structures. You will discover how C helps you squeeze maximum performance out of critical, resource-constrained applications. C still plays a critical role in 21st-century programming, remaining the core language for precision engineering, aviations, space research, and more. This book shows how C works with Unix, how to implement OO principles in C, and fully covers multi-processing. In Extreme C, Amini encourages you to think, question, apply, and experiment for yourself. The book is essential for anybody who wants to take their C to the next level.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)

Preprocessor directives

Preprocessing is a powerful feature in C. We'll cover it fully in Chapter 2, Compilation and Linking, but right now let's define preprocessing as something that allows you to engineer and modify your source code before submitting it to the compiler. This means that the C compilation pipeline has at least one step more in comparison to other languages. In other programming languages, the source code is directly sent to the compiler, but in C and C++, it should be preprocessed first.

This extra step has made C (and C++) a unique programming language in the sense that a C programmer can effectively change their source code before submitting it to the compiler. This feature is not present in most higher-level programming languages.

The purpose of preprocessing is to remove the preprocessing directives and substitute them with equivalent generated C code and prepare a final source that is ready to be submitted to the compiler.

The behavior of the C preprocessor can be controlled and influenced using a set of directives. C directives are lines of code starting with a # character in both header and source files. These lines are only meaningful to the C preprocessor and never to the C compiler. There are various directives in C, but some of them are very important especially the directives used for macro definition and the directives used for conditional compilation.

In the following section, we'll explain macros and give various examples demonstrating their various uses. We also analyze them further to find their advantages and disadvantages.


There are many rumors regarding C macros. One says that they make your source code too complicated and less readable. Another says that you face issues while debugging applications if you have used macros in your code. You might have heard some of these statements yourself. But to what extent are they valid? Are macros evils that should be avoided? Or do they have some benefits that can be brought to your project?

The reality is that you'll find macros in any well-known C project. As proof, download a well-known C project such as Apache HTTP Server and do a grep for #define. You will see a list of files where macros are defined. For you as a C developer, there is no way to escape macros. Even if you don't use them yourself, you will likely see them in other people's code. Therefore, you need to learn what they are and how to deal with them.

The grep command refers to a standard shell utility program in Unix-like operating systems that searches for a pattern in a stream of characters. It can be used to search for a text or a pattern in the content of all files found in a given path.

Macros have a number of applications and you can see some of them as follows:

  • Defining a constant
  • Using as a function instead of writing a C function
  • Loop unrolling
  • Header guards
  • Code generation
  • Conditional compilation

While there are many more possible applications of macros, we'll focus on the above in the following sections.

Defining a macro

Macros are defined using the #define directive. Each macro has a name and a possible list of parameters. It also has a value that gets substituted by its name in the preprocessing phase through a step called macro expansion. A macro can also be undefined with the #undef directive. Let's start with a simple example, example 1.1:

#define ABC 5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int x = 2;
  int y = ABC;
  int z = x + y;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-1 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_1.c]: Defining a macro

In the preceding code box, ABC is not a variable that holds an integer value nor an integer constant. In fact, it's a macro called ABC and its corresponding value is 5. After the macro expansion phase, the resulting code that can be submitted to the C compiler looks similar to the one we see as follows:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int x = 2;
  int y = 5;
  int z = x + y;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-2: The generated code for the example 1.1 after macro expansion phase

The code in Code Box 1-2 has a valid C syntax, and now the compiler can proceed and compile it. In the preceding example, the preprocessor did the macro expansion, and as a part of it, the preprocessor simply replaced the macro's name with its value. The preprocessor has also removed the comments on the beginning lines.

Let's now have a look at another example, example 1.2:

#define ADD(a, b) a + b
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int x = 2;
  int y = 3;
  int z = ADD(x, y);
  return 0;

Code Box 1-3 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_2.c]: Defining a function-like macro

In the preceding code box, similar to example 1.1, ADD is not a function. It is just a function-like macro that accepts arguments. After preprocessing, the resulting code will be like this:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int x = 2;
  int y = 3
  int z = x + y;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-4: Example 1.2 after preprocessing and macro expansion

As you can see in the preceding code box, the expansion that has taken place is as follows. The argument x used as parameter a is replaced with all instances of a in the macro's value. This is the same for the parameter b, and its corresponding argument y. Then, the final substitution occurs, and we get x + y instead of ADD(a, b) in the preprocessed code.

Since function-like macros can accept input arguments, they can mimic C functions. In other words, instead of putting a frequently used logic into a C function, you can name that logic as a function-like macro and use that macro instead.

This way, the macro occurrences will be replaced by the frequently used logic, as part of the preprocessing phase, and there is no need to introduce a new C function. We will discuss this more and compare the two approaches.

Macros only exist before the compilation phase. This means that the compiler, theoretically, doesn't know anything about the macros. This is a very important point to remember if you are going to use macros instead of functions. The compiler knows everything about a function because it is part of the C grammar and it is parsed and being kept in the parse tree. But a macro is just a C preprocessor directive only known to the preprocessor itself.

Macros allow you to generate code before the compilation. In other programming languages such as Java, you need to use a code generator to fulfill this purpose. We will give examples regarding this application of macros.

Modern C compilers are aware of C preprocessor directives. Despite the common belief that they don't know anything about the preprocessing phase, they actually do. The modern C compilers know about the source before entering the preprocessing phase. Look at the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#define CODE \
printf("%d\n", i);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 return 0;

Code Box 1-5 [example.c]: Macro definition which yields an undeclared identifier error

If you compile the above code using clang in macOS, the following would be the output:

$ clang example.c
code.c:7:3: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'
code.c:4:16: note: expanded from macro 'CODE'
printf("%d\n", i);
1 error generated.

Shell Box 1-1: The output of the compilation refers to the macro definition

As you see, the compiler has generated an error message that points exactly to the line in which the macro is defined.

As a side note, in most modern compilers, you can view the preprocessing result just before the compilation. For example, when using gcc or clang, you can use the -E option to dump the code after preprocessing. The following shell box demonstrates how to use the -E option. Note that the output is not fully shown:

$ clang -E example.c
# 1 "sample.c"# 1 "<built-in>" 1
# 1 "<built-in>" 3
# 361 "<built-in>" 3
# 412 "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 2 "sample.c" 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 printf("%d\n", i);
 return 0;

Shell Box 1-2: The code of example.c after preprocessing phase

Now we come to an important definition. A translation unit (or a compilation unit) is the preprocessed C code that is ready to be passed to the compiler.

In a translation unit, all directives are substituted with inclusions or macro expansions and a flat long piece of C code has been produced.

Now that you know more about macros, let's work on some more difficult examples. They will show you the power and danger of macros. In my opinion, extreme development deals with dangerous and delicate stuff in a skilled way, and this is exactly what C is about.

The next example is an interesting one. Just pay attention to how the macros are used in sequence to generate a loop:

#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT(a) printf("%d\n", a);
#define LOOP(v, s, e) for (int v = s; v <= e; v++) {
#define ENDLOOP }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  LOOP(counter, 1, 10)
  return 0;

Code Box 1-6 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_3.c]: Using macros to generate a loop

As you see in the preceding code box, the code inside the main function is not a valid C code in any way! But after preprocessing, we get a correct C source code that compiles without any problem. Following is the preprocessed result:

... content of stdio.h …
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) {
    printf("%d\n", counter);
  return 0;

Code Box 1-7: Example 1.3 after preprocessing phase

In Code Box 1-6, in the main function, we just used a different and not C-looking set of instructions to write our algorithm. Then after preprocessing, in Code Box 1-7, we got a fully functional and correct C program. This is an important application of macros; to define a new domain specific language (DSL) and write code using it.

DSLs are very useful in different parts of a project; for example, they are used heavily in testing frameworks such as Google Test framework (gtest) where a DSL is used to write assertions, expectations, and test scenarios.

We should note that we don't have any C directives in the final preprocessed code. This means that the #include directive in Code Box 1-6 has been replaced by the contents of the file it was referring to. That is why you see the content of the stdio.h header file (which we replaced with ellipses) in Code Box 1-7 before the main function.

Let's now look at the next example, example 1.4, which introduces two new operators regarding macro parameters; the # and ## operators:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define CMD(NAME) \
  char NAME ## _cmd[256]  = ""; \
  strcpy(NAME ## _cmd, #NAME);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  char cmd[256];
  scanf("%s", cmd);
  if (strcmp(cmd, copy_cmd) == 0) {
    // ...
  if (strcmp(cmd, paste_cmd) == 0) {
    // ...
  if (strcmp(cmd, cut_cmd) == 0) {
    // ...
  return 0;

Code Box 1-8 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_4.c]: Using # and ## operators in a macro

While expanding the macro, the # operator turns the parameter into its string form surrounded by a pair of quotation marks. For example, in the preceding code, the # operator used before the NAME parameter turns it into "copy" in the preprocessed code.

The ## operator has a different meaning. It just concatenates the parameters to other elements in the macro definition and usually forms variable names. Following is the final preprocessed source for example 1.4:

... content of stdio.h ...
... content of string.h ...
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  char copy_cmd[256] = ""; strcpy(copy_cmd, "copy");
  char paste_cmd[256] = ""; strcpy(paste_cmd, "paste");
  char cut_cmd[256] = ""; strcpy(cut_cmd, "cut");
  char cmd[256];
  scanf("%s", cmd);
  if (strcmp(cmd, copy_cmd) == 0) {
  if (strcmp(cmd, paste_cmd) == 0) {
  if (strcmp(cmd, cut_cmd) == 0) {
  return 0;

Code Box 1-9: Example 1.4 after preprocessing phase

Comparing the source before and after preprocessing helps you to realize how # and ## operators are applied to the macro arguments. Note that, in the final preprocessed code, all lines expanded from the same macro definition are on the same line.

It is a good practice to break long macros into multiple lines but do not forget to use \ (one backslash) to let the preprocessor know that the rest of the definition comes on the next line. Note that \ doesn't get substituted with a newline character. Instead, it is an indicator that the following line is the continuation of the same macro definition.

Now let's talk about a different type of macros. The next section is going to talk about variadic macros which can accept a variable number of arguments.

Variadic macros

The next example, example 1.5, is dedicated to variadic macros, which can accept a variable number of input arguments. Sometimes the same variadic macro accepts 2 arguments, sometimes 4 arguments, and sometimes 7. Variadic macros are very handy when you are not sure about the number of arguments in different usages of the same macro. A simple example is given as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define VERSION "2.3.4"
#define LOG_ERROR(format, ...) \
  fprintf(stderr, format, __VA_ARGS__)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc < 3) {
    LOG_ERROR("Invalid number of arguments for version %s\n.", VERSION);
  if (strcmp(argv[1], "-n") != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("%s is a wrong param at index %d for version %s.", argv[1], 1, VERSION);
  // ...
  return 0;

Code Box 1-10 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_5.c]: Definition and usage of a variadic macro

In the preceding code box, you see a new identifier: __VA_ARGS__. It is an indicator that tells the preprocessor to replace it with all the remaining input arguments that are not assigned to any parameter yet.

In the preceding example, in the second usage of LOG_ERROR, according to the macro definition, the arguments argv[1], 1, and VERSION are those input arguments that are not assigned to any parameter. So, they are going to be used in place of __VA_ARGS__ while expanding the macro.

As a side note, the function fprintf writes to a file descriptor. In example 1.5, the file descriptor is stderr, which is the error stream of the process. Also, note the ending semicolon after each LOG_ERROR usage. It is mandatory because the macro doesn't supply them as part of its definition and the programmer must add that semicolon to make the final preprocessed code syntactically correct.

The following code is the final output after passing through the C preprocessor:

... content of stdio.h ...
... content of stdlib.h ...
... content of string.h ...
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc < 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of arguments for version %s\n.", "2.3.4");
  if (strcmp(argv[1], "-n") != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s is a wrong param at index %d for version %s.", argv[1], 1, "2.3.4");
  // ...
  return 0;

Code Box 1-11: Example 1.5 after preprocessing phase

The next example, example 1.6, is a progressive usage of variadic macros that tries to mimic a loop. There is a well-known example about this. Before having foreach in C++, the boost framework was (and still is) offering the foreach behavior using a number of macros.

In the following link, you can see how the BOOST_FOREACH macro is defined as the last thing in the header file: It is used to iterate over a boost collection, and it is actually a function-like macro.

Our following example, example 1.6, is about a simple loop which is not comparable to boost's foreach at all, but yet, it is giving you an idea on how to use variadic macros for repeating a number of instructions:

#include <stdio.h>
#define LOOP_3(X, ...) \
  printf("%s\n", #X);
#define LOOP_2(X, ...) \
  printf("%s\n", #X); \
#define LOOP_1(X, ...) \
  printf("%s\n", #X); \
#define LOOP(...) \
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  LOOP(copy paste cut)
  LOOP(copy, paste, cut)
  LOOP(copy, paste, cut, select)
  return 0;

Code Box 1-12 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_6.c]: Using variadic macros to mimic a loop

Before starting to explain the example, let's look at the final code after preprocessing. Then, the explanation of what happened will be easier:

... content of stdio.h ...
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  printf("%s\n", "copy paste cut"); printf("%s\n", ""); printf("%s\n", "");
  printf("%s\n", "copy"); printf("%s\n", "paste"); printf("%s\n", "cut");
  printf("%s\n", "copy"); printf("%s\n", "paste"); printf("%s\n", "cut");
  return 0;

Code Box 1-13: Example 1.6 after preprocessing phase

If you look at the preprocessed code carefully, you will see that the LOOP macro has been expanded to multiple printf instructions instead of looping instructions such as for or while. It is obvious why this is the case, and it's because of the fact that the preprocessor doesn't write smart C code for us. It is there to replace macros with the instructions given by us.

The only way to create a loop with a macro is just to put the iteration instructions one after another, and as some separate instructions. This means that a simple macro loop with 1000 iterations will be substituted with 1000 instructions in C and we won't have any actual C loop in the final code.

The preceding technique will lead to a large binary size which can be thought of as a disadvantage. But putting instructions one after another instead of putting them into a loop, which is known as loop unrolling, has its own applications, which require an acceptable level of performance in constrained and high-performance environments. According to what we explained so far, it seems that loop unrolling using macros is a trade-off between binary size and performance. We talk more about this in the upcoming section.

There is one more note about the preceding example. As you see, different usages of the LOOP macro in the main function have produced different results. In the first usage, we pass copy paste cut without any commas between the words. The preprocessor accepts it as a single input, so the simulated loop has only one iteration.

In the second usage, the input copy, paste, cut is passed with words separated by commas. Now, the preprocessor treats them as three different arguments; hence, the simulated loop has three iterations. This is clear from the following Shell Box 1-3.

In the third usage, we pass four values, copy, paste, cut, select, but only three of them are processed. As you see, the preprocessed code is exactly the same as the second usage. That's because of the fact that our looping macros are only capable of handling lists of up to three elements. Extra elements after the third are ignored.

Note that this doesn't produce compilation errors because nothing wrong has been generated as the final C code, but our macros are limited in the number of elements they can process:

$ gcc ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_6.c
$ ./a.out
copy paste cut

Shell Box 1-3: Compilation and output of example 1.6

Advantages and disadvantages of macros

Let's start the discussion by talking a bit about software design. Defining macros and putting them together is an art, and at times an addictive one! You start building the expected preprocessed code in your mind even before having any macros defined and based on that you define your macros. Since it is an easy way to replicate the code and play with it, it can be overused. Overusing the macros may not be a big issue for you, but it might be for your teammates. But why is that?

Macros have an important characteristic. If you write something in macros, they will be replaced by other lines of code before the compilation phase, and finally, you'll have a flat long piece of code without any modularity at compile time. Of course, you have the modularity in your mind and probably in your macros, but it is not present in your final binaries. This is exactly where using macros can start to cause design issues.

Software design tries to package similar algorithms and concepts in several manageable and reusable modules, but macros try to make everything linear and flat. So, when you are using macros as some logical building blocks within your software design, the information regarding them can be lost after the preprocessing phase, as part of the final translation units. That's why the architects and designers use a rule of thumb about macros:

If a macro can be written as a C function, then you should write a C function instead!

From the debugging perspective, again, it is said that macros are evil. A developer uses compilation errors to find the places where there exist syntax errors as part of their daily development tasks. They also use logs and possibly compilation warnings to detect a bug and fix it. The compilation errors and warnings both are beneficial to the bug analysis routine, and both of them are generated by the compilers.

Regarding the macros, and especially with old C compilers, the compiler didn't know anything about the macros and it was treating the compiling source (the translation unit) as a long, linear, flat piece of code. So, for a developer looking at the actual C code with macros and for the C compiler looking at the preprocessed code without macros, there were two different worlds. So, the developer could not understand easily what the compiler reported.

Hopefully, with the help of our modern C compilers, this issue is not that severe anymore. Nowadays, the famous C compilers such as gcc and clang know more about the preprocessing phase, and they try to keep, use, and report according to the source code that the developer sees. Otherwise, the problem with macros could be repeated with #include directives, simply because the main content of a translation unit is only known when all inclusions have happened. As a conclusion, we can say that the problem with debugging is less severe than the problem we explained in the previous paragraph about the software design.

If you remember, we brought up a discussion during the explanation of example 1.6. It was about a trade-off between the binary size and the performance of a program. A more general form of this trade-off is between having a single big binary and having multiple small binaries. Both of them are providing the same functionality, but the former can have a better performance.

The number of binaries used in a project, especially when the project is big, is more or less proportional to the degree of modularization and the design effort spent on it. As an example, a project having 60 libraries (shared or static) and one executable seems to be developed according to a software plan which is splitting dependencies into multiple libraries and using them in a single main executable.

In other words, when a project is being developed according to the software design principals and best practices, the number of binaries and their sizes are engineered in a careful way and usually will be comprised of multiple lightweight binaries with applicable minimum sizes, instead of having a single huge binary.

Software design tries to have each software component in a suitable position in a giant hierarchy instead of putting them in a linear order. And this is intrinsically against the performance even though its effect on the performance is tiny in most cases.

So, we can conclude that the discussion regarding example 1.6 was about the trade-off between design and performance. When you need performance, sometimes you need to sacrifice the design and put things in a linear construction. For example, you could avoid loops and use loop unrolling instead.

From a different perspective, performance starts with choosing proper algorithms for the problems defined in the design phase. The next step is usually called optimization or performance tuning. In this phase, gaining performance is equivalent to letting the CPU just compute in a linear and sequential manner and not to force it to jump between different parts of the code. This can be done either by modifying the already used algorithms or by replacing them with some performant and usually more complex algorithms. This stage can come into conflict with the design philosophy. As we said before, design tries to put things in a hierarchy and make them non-linear, but the CPU expects things to be linear, already fetched and ready to be processed. So, this trade-off should be taken care of and balanced for each problem separately.

Let's explain the loop unrolling a bit more. This technique is mostly used in embedded development and especially in environments that suffer from limited processing power. The technique is to remove loops and make them linear to increase the performance and avoid the looping overhead while running iterations.

This is exactly what we did in example 1.6; we mimicked a loop with macros, which led to a linear set of instructions. In this sense, we can say that the macros can be used for performance tuning in embedded development and the environments in which a slight change in the way that the instructions are executed will cause a significant performance boost. More than that, macros can bring readability to the code and we can factor out repeated instructions.

Regarding the quote mentioned earlier that says that macros should be replaced by equivalent C functions, we know that the quote is there for the sake of design and it can be ignored in some contexts. In a context where improved performance is a key requirement, having a linear set of instructions that lead to better performance may be a necessity.

Code generation is another common application of macros. They can be used for introducing DSLs into a project. Microsoft MFC, Qt, Linux Kernel, and wxWidgets are a few projects out of thousands that are using macros to define their own DSLs. Most of them are C++ projects, but they are using this C feature to facilitate their APIs.

As a conclusion, C macros can have advantages if the impacts of their preprocessed form are investigated and known. If you're working on a project within a team, always share your decisions regarding the usage of the macros in the team and keep yourself aligned with the decisions made within the team.

Conditional compilation

Conditional compilation is another unique feature of C. It allows you to have different preprocessed source code based on different conditions. Despite the meaning it implies, the compiler is not doing anything conditionally, but the preprocessed code that is passed to the compiler can be different based on some specified conditions. These conditions are evaluated by the preprocessor while preparing the preprocessed code. There are different directives contributing to the conditional compilation. You can see a list of them as follows:

  • #ifdef
  • #ifndef
  • #else
  • #elif
  • #endif

The following example, example 1.7, demonstrates a very basic usage of these directives:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int i = 0;
  int j= 0;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-14 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_7.c]: An example of conditional compilation

While preprocessing the preceding code, the preprocessor sees the CONDITION macro's definition and marks it as defined. Note that no value is proposed for the CONDITION macro and this is totally valid. Then, the preprocessor goes down further until it reaches the #ifdef statement. Since the CONDITION macro is already defined, all lines between #ifdef and #endif will be copied to the final source code.

You can see the preprocessed code in the following code box:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int i = 0;
  int j= 0;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-15: Example 1.7 after preprocessing phase

If the macro was not defined, we wouldn't see any replacement for the #if-#endif directives. Therefore, the preprocessed code could be something like the following:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int j= 0;
  return 0;

Code Box 1-16: Example 1.7 after preprocessing phase assuming that CONDITION macro is not defined

Note the empty lines, in both code boxes 1-15 and 1-16, which have been remained from the preprocessing phase, after replacing the #ifdef-#endif section with its evaluated value.

Macros can be defined using -D options passed to the compilation command. Regarding the preceding example, we can define the CONDITION macro as follows:

$ gcc -DCONDITION -E main.c

This is a great feature because it allows you to have macros defined out of source files. This is especially helpful when having a single source code but compiling it for different architectures, for example, Linux or macOS, which have different default macro definitions and libraries.

One of the very common usages of #ifndef is to serve as a header guard statement. This statement protects a header file from being included twice in the preprocessing phase, and we can say that almost all C and C++ header files in nearly every project have this statement as their first instruction.

The following code, example 1.8, is an example on how to use a header guard statement. Suppose that this is the content of a header file and by chance, it could be included twice in a compilation unit. Note that example 1.8 is just one header file and it is not supposed to be compiled:

#ifndef EXAMPLE_1_8_H
#define EXAMPLE_1_8_H
void say_hello();
int read_age();

Code Box 1-17 [ExtremeC_examples_chapter1_8.h]: An example of a header guard

As you see, all variable and function declarations are put inside the #ifndef and #endif pair and they are protected against multiple inclusions by a macro. In the following paragraph, we explain how.

As the first inclusion happens, the EXAMPLE_1_8_H macro is not yet defined, so the preprocessor continues by entering the #ifndef-#endif block. The next statement defines the EXAMPLE_1_8_H macro, and the preprocessor copies everything to the preprocessed code until it reaches the #endif directive. As the second inclusion happens, the EXAMPLE_1_8_H macro is already defined, so the preprocessor skips all of the content inside the #ifndef-#endif section and moves to the next statement after #endif, if there is any.

It is a common practice that the whole content of a header file is put between the #ifndef-#endif pair, and nothing but comments are left outside.

As a final note in this section, instead of having a pair of #ifndef-#endif directives, one could use #pragma once in order to protect the header file from the double inclusion issue. The difference between conditional directives and the #pragma once directive is that the latter is not a C standard, despite the fact that it is supported by almost all C preprocessors. However, it is better to not to use it if portability of your code is a requirement.

The following code box contains a demonstration on how to use #pragma once in example 1.8, instead of #ifndef-#endif directives:

#pragma once
void say_hello();
int read_age();

Code Box 1-18: Using #pragma once directive as part of example 1.8

Now, we close the topic of preprocessor directives while we have demonstrated some of their interesting characteristics and various applications. The next section is about variable pointers, which are another important feature of C.