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C# Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition

By : Marcin Jamro
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C# Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition

By: Marcin Jamro

Overview of this book

Building your own applications is exciting but challenging, especially when tackling complex problems tied to advanced data structures and algorithms. This endeavor demands profound knowledge of the programming language as well as data structures and algorithms – precisely what this book offers to C# developers. Starting with an introduction to algorithms, this book gradually immerses you in the world of arrays, lists, stacks, queues, dictionaries, and sets. Real-world examples, enriched with code snippets and illustrations, provide a practical understanding of these concepts. You’ll also learn how to sort arrays using various algorithms, setting a solid foundation for your programming expertise. As you progress through the book, you’ll venture into more complex data structures – trees and graphs – and discover algorithms for tasks such as determining the shortest path in a graph before advancing to see various algorithms in action, such as solving Sudoku. By the end of the book, you’ll have learned how to use the C# language to build algorithmic components that are not only easy to understand and debug but also seamlessly applicable in various applications, spanning web and mobile platforms.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Types of algorithms

As mentioned previously, algorithms are almost everywhere, and even intuitively, you use them each day while solving various tasks. There is an enormous amount of algorithms and a lot of their types, chosen according to different criteria. To simplify this topic, only a few types will be presented here, chosen from different classifications, to show you a variety and encourage you to learn more about them on your own. It is also quite common that the same algorithm is classified into a few groups.

Recursive algorithms

First, let’s take a look at recursive algorithms, which are strictly connected with the idea of recursion and are the opposite of iterative algorithms. What does this mean? An algorithm is recursive if it calls itself to solve smaller subproblems of the original problem. The algorithm calls itself multiple times until the base condition is met.

This technique provides you with a powerful solution for solving problems, can limit the amount of code, and can be easy to understand and maintain. However, recursion has some drawbacks related to performance or the requirement for more space in the stack’s memory, which could lead to stack overflow problems. Fortunately, you can prevent some of these issues using dynamic programming, an optimization technique that supports recursion.

Recursion can be used in several algorithms, including the following:

  • Sorting an array with the merge sort and quicksort algorithms, which are implemented and presented in detail in Chapter 3, Arrays and Sorting
  • Solving the Towers of Hanoi game, as depicted in Chapter 5, Stacks and Queues
  • Traversing a tree, as described in Chapter 7, Variants of Trees
  • Getting a number from the Fibonacci series, as shown in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Generating fractals, as shown in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Calculating a factorial (n!)
  • Getting the greatest common divisor of two numbers using the Euclidean algorithm
  • Traversing the filesystem with directories and subdirectories

Divide and conquer algorithms

Another group of algorithms is named divide and conquer. It is related to the algorithmic paradigm of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems (the “divide” step), calling them recursively until they are simple enough to be solved directly (“conquer”), and combining the results of subproblems to get the final result (“combine”). This approach has many advantages, also taken from the pros of recursion, including ease of implementation, understanding, and maintenance. By dividing the problem into many subproblems, it supports parallel computing, which can lead to performance improvements. Unfortunately, this paradigm also has some disadvantages, including the necessity for a proper base case definition to terminate the execution of the algorithm. Performance issues, similar as in the case of recursive algorithms, can exist as well.

Divide and conquer is a popular approach for solving various algorithmic problems and you can see its implementations in a broad range of applications:

  • Sorting an array with the merge sort and quicksort algorithms, which are implemented and presented in detail in Chapter 3, Arrays and Sorting
  • Finding the closest pair of points located on the two-dimensional surface, which will be presented in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Calculating the power of a number
  • Finding the minimum and maximum values in an array
  • Calculating the fast Fourier transform
  • Multiplying large numbers using Karatsuba’s algorithm

Back-tracking algorithms

Next, we’ll cover back-tracking algorithms. They are used for solving problems that consist of a sequence of decisions, each depending on the decisions that have already been taken, incrementally building the solution. When you realize that the decisions that have been taken do not provide the correct solution, you backtrack. Of course, you can support this approach with recursion to try various variants and therefore find a suitable solution, if one exists.

You can use this approach for many tasks, including the following:

  • Solving the rat in a maze problem, as shown in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Solving Sudoku, as shown in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Solving crosswords by entering letters into empty spaces
  • Solving the eight queens problem of placing eight queens on a chessboard and not allowing them to attack each other
  • Solving the knight’s tour, where you place a knight on the first block on a chessboard and move it so that it visits all blocks exactly once
  • Generating gray codes to create bit patterns where the following ones differ by one bit only
  • Solving the m-coloring problem for graph-related topics

Greedy algorithms

Now that we’ve covered the recursive, divide-and-conquer, and back-tracking algorithms, it’s high time to present another type, namely greedy algorithms. A greedy algorithm builds the solution piece by piece by choosing the best option in each step, not concerned about the overall solution, and being short-sighted in its operation. For this reason, there is no guarantee that the final result is optimal. However, in many scenarios, using the local optimal solutions can lead to global optimal solutions or can be good enough.

Here are some examples:

  • Finding the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm, as shown and explained in detail in Chapter 8, Exploring Graphs
  • Calculating the minimum spanning tree in a graph with Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm, as shown in Chapter 8, Exploring Graphs
  • Solving the minimum coin change problem, as explained in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • The greedy approach to Huffman coding in data compression algorithms
  • Load balancing and network routing

Heuristic algorithms

Now, it’s time to add more “magic” to your algorithms via heuristics! A heuristic algorithm calculates a near-optimal solution for an optimization problem and is especially useful for scenarios when the exact methods are not available or are too slow. Thus, you can see a significant speed boost, but with a decreased accuracy of the result. Such an approach is popular and adequate for solving various real-world problems, often complex and big, and is applied in many different fields of science, even those regarding bioinformatics.

Heuristic algorithms have many applications and subtypes:

  • Genetic algorithms, which are adaptive heuristic search algorithms, and can be used to guess the title of this book, as depicted in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Solving vehicle routing problems and the traveling salesman problem with the Tabu Search algorithm
  • Solving the Knapsack problem, where you need to choose items of the maximum total value to be packed within the mass limit
  • Filtering and processing signals
  • Detecting viruses

Dynamic programming

Since we’re talking about various types of algorithms, it is worth mentioning dynamic programming. It is a technique that optimizes recursive algorithms by limiting the necessity of computing the same result multiple times. This technique can be used in one of two approaches:

  • The top-down approach, which uses memoization to save the results of subproblems. Therefore, the algorithm can use the value from the cache and does not need to recalculate the same results multiple times or does not need to call the method with the same parameters multiple times.
  • The bottom-up approach, which uses tabulation to replace recursion with iteration. It limits the number of function calls and problems regarding stack overflow.

Both of these approaches can significantly decrease the time complexity and increase performance, and therefore speed up your algorithm. Every time you use recursion, it is a good idea to try to optimize it using dynamic programming. If you want to learn how to optimize calculating a number from the Fibonacci series, go to Chapter 9, See in Action.

You can also use dynamic programming to find the shortest path between all pairs of vertices in a graph by using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, as well as in Dijkstra’s algorithm. Another application is for solving the Tower of Hanoi mathematical game. Possibilities are even broader and you can also apply it to artificial neural networks.

Brute-force algorithms

While we’re presenting various types of algorithms, we should also consider brute-force algorithms. A brute-force algorithm is a general solution for solving a problem by checking all possible options and choosing the best one. It is an approach that can have huge time complexity and its operation can take a lot of time, so it can be useless in real-world scenarios. However, a brute-force algorithm is often the first choice when you need to solve some algorithmic problem. There’s nothing bad in doing this as you can learn more about the domain of the problem you wish to solve and see some results for simpler cases. Nevertheless, while developing an algorithm, it is a good idea to enhance it significantly by using other paradigms.

Here are some examples of where you can use brute-force algorithms:

  • Guessing a password, where you check each possible password one after the other, as presented in Chapter 9, See in Action
  • Finding the minimum value in an unsorted array, where you need to iterate through all items as there is no relationship between values in the array
  • Finding the best possible plan for a day, placing various tasks between meetings, and trying to organize it in a way that you can start working late and ending early
  • Solving the traveling salesman problem

After introducing a few types of algorithms, you can see that some of them provide you with a faster solution while others can have huge time complexity. But what does this mean? You will learn about computational complexity, especially time complexity, in the next section.