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PHP Application Development with NetBeans: Beginner's Guide

By : M A Hossain Tonu
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PHP Application Development with NetBeans: Beginner's Guide

By: M A Hossain Tonu

Overview of this book

<p>NetBeans has many features that greatly simplify PHP development, and with its several features and great flexibility, PHP developers can become overwhelmed by the IDE's options. This book provides step-by-step instructions that show you how to take control of the environment and make use of these features to make your PHP application development more efficient and productive than ever before.<br /><br />"PHP Application Development with NetBeans: Beginner's Guide" leads you through the crucial parts of PHP programming and shows you how to use the features of NetBeans that will improve your PHP development experience, through clear and easy instructions.<br /><br />The book gets you started with the development environment and tools, and takes you through working on practical projects with a clear focus. With each chapter being mission-critical, the book is a perfect companion to boost your PHP coding productivity and gain experience with even complex projects.<br /><br />The book starts with setting up the PHP development environment and introduces exciting and useful IDE features. You'll learn how to build real life PHP projects such as Facebook like Status Updater and even User Registration, Login &amp; Logout application. Also the book will introduce you with some must know development tools such as debugging &amp; testing tools, source documenter tools, and versioning tools.<br /><br />Working with the NetBeans IDE for PHP development has its own advantages, and this book reassures the purpose. This book is full of illustrations, screenshots, and clear instructions to take your PHP development to a new level and even shows you time-saving tricks and other productivity enhancements.</p>
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
PHP Application Development with NetBeans Beginner's Guide
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Time for action — cloning a Git repository from GitHub via the SSH protocol

For this tutorial, we will act as a collaborator to that GitHub project, and have our own SSH public key added to the GitHub account. We will add our SSH private key using NetBeans. Along with repository cloning, NetBeans provides the option to create a fresh new project:

  1. 1. Select Team | Git | Clone..., and the Clone Repository wizard will be displayed.

  2. 2. Specify the path to the repository required in the Repository URL field, for example [email protected]:mahtonu/chapter6demo.git.

  3. 3. Verify that Username is git.

  4. 4. Browse the Private Key File location.

  5. 5. Add Passphrase, which you created during the key generation, and (optionally) select the Save Passphrase checkbox. The Remote Repository page at the Clone Repository wizard looks similar to the following screenshot:

  6. 6. Click on Next, and select the repository branch that needs to be fetched (downloaded) to your local repository at the Remote Branches page, for example...