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Learn ARCore - Fundamentals of Google ARCore

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Learn ARCore - Fundamentals of Google ARCore

Overview of this book

Are you a mobile developer or web developer who wants to create immersive and cool Augmented Reality apps with the latest Google ARCore platform? If so, this book will help you jump right into developing with ARCore and will help you create a step by step AR app easily. This book will teach you how to implement the core features of ARCore starting from the fundamentals of 3D rendering to more advanced concepts such as lighting, shaders, Machine Learning, and others. We’ll begin with the basics of building a project on three platforms: web, Android, and Unity. Next, we’ll go through the ARCore concepts of motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation. For each core concept, you’ll work on a practical project to use and extend the ARCore feature, from learning the basics of 3D rendering and lighting to exploring more advanced concepts. You’ll write custom shaders to light virtual objects in AR, then build a neural network to recognize the environment and explore even grander applications by using ARCore in mixed reality. At the end of the book, you’ll see how to implement motion tracking and environment learning, create animations and sounds, generate virtual characters, and simulate them on your screen.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Title Page
Packt Upsell


About the author

Micheal Lanham is a proven software and tech innovator with 20 years of experience. He has developed a broad range of software applications, including games, graphics, web, desktop, engineering, artificial intelligence, GIS, and Machine Learning applications for a variety of industries. He was introduced to Unity in 2006 and has been an avid developer, consultant, manager, and author of multiple Unity games, graphics projects, and books since. Micheal lives in Calgary, Canada, with his family.

I would like to thank Reshma Raman, my Acquisition Editor, and the rest of the team at Packt Publishing for showing the utmost professionalism and dedication to producing quality books. I would also like to thank the work by the reviewers for all their hard work. At home, I would graciously like to thank my partner, Rhonda, my internal editor/artist, and Ava, my QA tester and part-time model. Finally, I would like to thank my mother for teaching me to be creative with anything. Thanks Mom...

About the reviewer

Neil Alexander is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he earned a master's in computer science with a specialization in intelligent and interactive systems. As part of his education, he worked on developing several virtual reality demos and data visualization applications. He graduated from the Don Bosco Institute of Technology and has also worked as a research analyst at an IT publishing firm in Mumbai.

He currently works as a data scientist with several Blockchain and cryptocurrency startups in the Washington D.C. area.

I’d like to thank my friends and family, with a quick shout out to Govindan K, who was extremely helpful throughout the review process.

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