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SwiftUI Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Giordano Scalzo, Edgar Nzokwe
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SwiftUI Cookbook - Second Edition

By: Giordano Scalzo, Edgar Nzokwe

Overview of this book

SwiftUI provides an innovative and simple way to build beautiful user interfaces (UIs) for all Apple platforms, from iOS and macOS through to watchOS and tvOS, using the Swift programming language. In this recipe-based cookbook, you’ll cover the foundations of SwiftUI as well as the new SwiftUI 3 features introduced in iOS 15 and explore a range of essential techniques and concepts that will help you through the development process. The cookbook begins by explaining how to use basic SwiftUI components. Once you’ve learned the core concepts of UI development, such as Views, Controls, Lists, and ScrollViews, using practical implementations in Swift, you'll advance to adding useful features to SwiftUI using drawings, built-in shapes, animations, and transitions. You’ll understand how to integrate SwiftUI with exciting new components in the Apple development ecosystem, such as Combine for managing events and Core Data for managing app data. Finally, you’ll write iOS, macOS, and watchOS apps by sharing the same SwiftUI codebase. By the end of this SwiftUI book, you'll have discovered a range of simple, direct solutions to common problems encountered when building SwiftUI apps.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)

Moving the rows in a List view

In this recipe, we'll create an app that implements a List view that allows users to move and reorganize rows.

Getting ready

Create a new SwiftUI project named MovingListRows.

How to do it…

To make the List view rows movable, we'll add a modifier to the List view's ForEach struct, and then we'll embed the List view in a navigation view that displays a title and an edit button. The steps are as follows:

  1. Add a @State variable to the ContentView struct that holds an array of countries:
        @State var countries = ["USA", "Canada",
         "England", "Cameroon", "South Africa", "Mexico" ,
         "Japan", "South Korea"]
  2. Replace the body variable's text view with a NavigationView, a List, and modifiers for navigating. Also, notice that the .on Move modifier is applied to the ForEach struct:
                List {
                    ForEach(countries, id: \.self) {
                       country in
                    .on Move(perform: moveRow)
                  displayMode: .inline)
  3. Now, let's add the function that gets called when we try to move a row. The moveRow function should be located directly below the closing brace of the body view:
        private func moveRow(source: IndexSet,
             destination: Int){
            countries.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset:

    Let's run our application in the canvas or a simulator and click on the edit button. If everything was done right, the preview should look as follows. Now, click and drag on the hamburger menu symbol at the right of each country to move it to a new location:

Figure 2.8 – MovingListRows

Figure 2.8 – MovingListRows

How it works…

To move list rows, you need to wrap the list in a NavigationView, add the .on Move(perform:) modifier to the ForEach struct, and add a .navigationBarItems(..) modifier to the list. The on Move modifier calls the moveRow function when clicked, while .navigationBarItem displays the button that starts the "move mode," where list row items become movable.

The moveRow(source: IndexSet, destination: Int) function takes two parameters, source and IndexSet, which represent the current index of the item to be moved and its destination index, respectively.