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Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python - Second Edition

By : Sudharsan Ravichandiran
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Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python - Second Edition

By: Sudharsan Ravichandiran

Overview of this book

With significant enhancements in the quality and quantity of algorithms in recent years, this second edition of Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python has been revamped into an example-rich guide to learning state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL) and deep RL algorithms with TensorFlow 2 and the OpenAI Gym toolkit. In addition to exploring RL basics and foundational concepts such as Bellman equation, Markov decision processes, and dynamic programming algorithms, this second edition dives deep into the full spectrum of value-based, policy-based, and actor-critic RL methods. It explores state-of-the-art algorithms such as DQN, TRPO, PPO and ACKTR, DDPG, TD3, and SAC in depth, demystifying the underlying math and demonstrating implementations through simple code examples. The book has several new chapters dedicated to new RL techniques, including distributional RL, imitation learning, inverse RL, and meta RL. You will learn to leverage stable baselines, an improvement of OpenAI’s baseline library, to effortlessly implement popular RL algorithms. The book concludes with an overview of promising approaches such as meta-learning and imagination augmented agents in research. By the end, you will become skilled in effectively employing RL and deep RL in your real-world projects.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
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Integrating custom environments

We can also use Stable Baselines to train an agent in our own environment. While creating our own environment, we need to make sure that our custom environment follows the Gym interface. That is, our environment should include methods such as step, reset, render, and so on.

Suppose the name of our custom environment is CustomEnv. First, we instantiate our custom environment as follows:

env = CustomEnv()

Next, we can train our agent in the custom environment as usual:

agent = DQN('MlpPolicy', env, learning_rate=1e-3)

That's it. In the next section, let's learn how to play Atari games using a DQN and its variants.