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ActionScript Graphing Cookbook

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ActionScript Graphing Cookbook

Overview of this book

"A picture is worth a thousand words" has never been more true than when representing large sets of data. Bar charts, heat maps, cartograms, and many more have become important tools in applications and presentations to quickly give insight into complicated issues.The "ActionScript Graphing Cookbook" shows you how to add your own charts to any ActionScript program. The recipes give step-by-step instructions on how to process the input data, how to create various types of charts and how to make them interactive for even more user engagement.Starting with basic ActionScript knowledge, you will learn how to develop many different types of charts.First learn how to import your data, from Excel, web services and more. Next process the data and make it ready for graphical display. Pick one of the many graph options available as the book guides you through ActionScript's drawing functions. And when you're ready for it, branch out into 3D display.The recipes in the "ActionScript Graphing Cookbook" will gradually introduce you into the world of visualization.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
ActionScript Graphing Cookbook
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Parsing data to use as region fill

This recipe is going to be about finding and parsing data that describes regions that we might want to plot on a map. Such regions might be countries, states, provinces, and so on. The Natural Earth website at, offers geographical data about multiple subject, one of them are political geographical regions. We are going to use that data on our OpenScales map.

Getting ready

Having read the previous recipes about using OpenScales will greatly help. Also open the files downloaded from the Packt Publishing website to follow along.

How to do it...

The following are the steps required to parse data to use as region fill:

  1. Head over to

  2. Copy the column called json_4326; this is the data that we are going to use as source.

  3. Create a class called that will get a JSON String value and return a Polygon Vector value.

  4. Transform the JSON String value into an ActionScript...